Big Diwali Surprise: Central Government Employees to Receive Special Bonus


New Delhi : Unveiling a landmark decision ahead of Diwali 2023, the Modi government announces a significant bonus for central government employees. Dive in to know how 28 lakh employees benefit from this festive financial gesture by the Finance Ministry.

Diwali Bonus Unveiled by the Modi Government

In a move that underscores the government’s commitment to the well-being and welfare of its employees, the Modi government has recently announced a significant bonus for central government employees. This gesture, coming ahead of Diwali, is a clear testament to the government’s focus on ensuring a festive spirit among its workforce.

The Official Announcement

On the 17th of October, 2023, the Finance Ministry of the Government of India issued an official directive that approved a Diwali bonus for a large segment of its employees. This includes officers of the Group C and Non-Gazetted Group B rank. Furthermore, this generous gesture extends to our brave paramilitary forces, acknowledging their relentless service to the nation.

Key Highlights of the Bonus Scheme

  • Financial Implications: The bonus comes with a ceiling of Rs 7,000, ensuring a fair distribution among the eligible employees.
  • Broad Beneficiary Base: It is estimated that around 28 lakh central government employees stand to gain from this decision, reinforcing the government’s inclusive approach.
  • Duration of Bonus: Significantly, the Central Government has sanctioned a bonus equivalent to 30 days of salary for its Group B (Non-Gazetted) and Group C employees, which is a substantial financial gesture.

Prospects for the Dearness Allowance

In the light of this announcement, there is considerable speculation around the possible increase in the dearness allowance. As per sources, this matter is likely to be deliberated upon in the cabinet’s meeting on the following Wednesday.

Clarification by the Department of Expenditure

The Department of Expenditure, which operates under the umbrella of the Finance Ministry, provided further details on the bonus. They clarified that the non-productivity linked bonus would amount to 30 days’ salary for the fiscal year 2022-23. This is designated for central government employees in Group ‘C’ and all non-gazetted employees in Group ‘B’. It’s worth noting that these groups are not beneficiaries under any existing productivity-linked bonus schemes.


The Modi government’s announcement of a Diwali bonus is a commendable move that will undoubtedly uplift the morale of central government employees. By ensuring a significant financial boost right before the festive season, the government has showcased its employee-centric approach, setting a precedent for future initiatives. As the nation gears up to celebrate Diwali, this bonus will surely add to the joy and happiness of many households across the country.


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