Difference Between Sankashti Chaturthi and Vinayaka Chaturthi

Difference between Sankashti and Vinayaka Chaturthi: The Shukla Paksha Chaturthi that comes after the new moon is called Vinayaki Chaturthi and the Chaturthi that comes after the full moon in the Krishna Paksha is called Sankashti Chaturthi.

There are two Chaturthi Tithis in the month. The Chaturthi of Krishna Paksha is called Sankashti and the Chaturthi of Shukla Paksha is called Vinayaka Chaturthi.

In this way there are 24 Chaturthi and after every three years there are 26 Chaturthi of Adhimaasa. The glory and importance of each Chaturthi is different. Chaturthi fast is kept to please Lord Ganesha. Let us know what is Sankashti Chaturthi and what is its importance.

Meaning of Sankashti: The Chaturthi that defeats the crisis is called Sankashti Chaturthi. The word Sankashti in Sanskrit language means to get rid of difficult times. If there is any kind of sorrow, then to get rid of it, duly fasting on this Chaturthi should worship Gauri’s son Lord Ganesha. On this day people keep fast from the time of sunrise to the time of rising of the moon.

Chaturthi Tithi: This is the open date and the vacancy cognizant. The date is called the ‘space cognition’. Therefore, auspicious works are prohibited in it. If Chaturthi falls on Thursday, then death occurs and Saturday’s Chaturthi is Siddhida and the fault of Chaturthi being ’empty’ is almost eliminated in that particular situation. The direction of Chaturthi Tithi is southeast. PLC/GT


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