After getting three crore 70 lakh corona infected in one day, the Chinese government has banned the release of official figures. Now the daily report issued by the Chinese government regarding the corona infected will not be issued. However, still many types of figures are coming out from different sources. These figures are very frightening. Chinese journalist Jennifer Zheng has claimed that on Saturday, eight thousand Chinese citizens died due to corona infection within a day. Earlier, on December 21, maximum 10 thousand 700 people died.
Alam is that there is no space left to keep dead bodies in hospitals and cremation grounds. Colt storages are also filled with a large number of corpses. Maximum 15,000 dead bodies have been kept in a meat colt storage in Yuquanning city. The Communist government of China has started making arrangements for cold storage in many cities to keep dead bodies. Several big containers have also been brought in, in which the dead bodies are being kept. Many such pictures have come out from China, which are very painful.
Everyday more than one crore people are getting infected
The number of corona patients in China is continuously increasing. According to Bloomberg’s report, thousands of patients are being found daily in almost every city. If we look at the statistics of the whole country, more than one crore infected people are being identified daily. A record 3.70 crore patients were identified within 24 hours on Friday. Earlier on December 20, more than 3.69 crore patients were found. Between December 1 and December 20, more than 24 crore 80 lakh people have come under the grip of Corona