Complete information about Mercury planet Ratna Panna – How has the Panna reached its profit and loss


Complete information about Mercury planet Ratna Panna – How has the Panna reached its profit and loss .Gemstones play an important role in our life. Many obstacles in life are overcome by them, but while wearing them, advice should be taken from qualified experts because sometimes it also has the opposite effect. Emerald is the gemstone of the planet Mercury.

Its color can be from light to dark green. Almost everyone knows that the planet Mercury is the factor of speech, youth, business, digestion etc. And the planet Mercury has two zodiac signs, Gemini and Virgo.
People whose horoscope has Gemini in the third house and Virgo is in the sixth house. Emerald proves to be a very effective gemstone for them. Emerald is mainly found in five colors like parrot feather color, water color, glue flower color, peacock feather and also lighter like sandul flower.

Emerald is a very soft gemstone but its cost is very high. Let us know about the benefits of wearing emerald.

Memory power is better Emerald gemstone is related to Mercury and the planet Mercury has a very good effect on memory power. Therefore, people whose memory power is weak. They must wear emerald stone because it gives them a lot of benefits.
profit in business
People who do any kind of business. Emerald gemstone is very beneficial for them because it gives them profit in business.

mind to study
Emerald gemstone is also beneficial for children, so children who do not feel like studying or forget what they read soon. They should get the emerald made in a silver locket and wear it around the neck. This will make them interested in studies and they will remember what they have read for a long time. It also sharpens the intelligence of children.
for patients
Emerald is beneficial, healthy and gives happiness for people suffering from diseases.
food for money
In the house where there is an emerald, there is an increase in food wealth, good children and the obstacles of ghosts and ghosts are pacified, and snakes do not even come in that house.

beneficial in eye disease
Emerald is very beneficial for eye diseases. Swirl this gem in a glass of water for five minutes in the morning and then sprinkle that water on your eyes. This will benefit your eyes.
in case of poor digestion
People whose digestion is often bad, they must wear emeralds because it keeps their digestion correct.
to pregnant women
Those women who are pregnant get benefits by wearing emerald.
people suffering from asthma
People who suffer from asthma. They should wear emerald gem in a silver ring and wear it in the junior finger. Due to this, their asthma disease starts decreasing.
increase virility
When men wear emerald, their male power increases and their health is good.
how to wear emerald
To wear the emerald, after taking a bath in the morning on Tuesday, put the emerald in the Ganges water mixed with milk and then on the second day after taking a bath on Wednesday, after chanting at least one rosary of Om Bu Budhay Namah, put the emerald in the junior finger. Wear it. You can wear it from sunrise to 10 in the morning. PLC/GT


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