Colourful Notions : The Roadtrippers 1.0 by Mohit Goyal


colorful Notions The Roadtrippers 1.0 cover pageINVC NEWS

New Delhi,
Author Mohit Goyal has recently launched his fiction “Colourful Notions: The Roadtrippers 1.0”. The book is printed and published by Srishti Publishers & Distributors and it is available with Amazon and Snapdeal, along with Crossword, WH Smith and other offline stores. The book comes with a price tag of Rs. 175 attached to it. The book was highly appreciated by the famous Indian author and Bollywood actor Vinay Pathak.

The book is the first of a three-part series that has been named THE ROADTRIPPERS. It will be first travel-fiction series of India. Traditionally, such books were considered ‘travelogues’ but in this script an element of fiction is actively present. Part 1 of the book was released on December 2016 as COLORFUL NOTIONS: The RoadTrippers 1.0. Subsequent part will be released in late-2017.

Three twenty-somethings dare to give up their high paying jobs and go on to drive of 10 thousand kilometers across India, just for fun. While the two guys take turns to drive, the girl gives her voice-over as they record their entire journey on a handycam. Ab, Sasha and Unnati are ordinary youngsters, rendered special by the feat they accomplish. As they recount their adventures, the author craves to live their journey all the more. They look at each other with a glint in their eyes, as if refurbishing those memories, as they narrate their spooky time at Bhangarh Fort, strange escapades at Wagah Border and Sundarbans, car breakdowns, wild animals, near-death experiences and highway robbers! It’s nothing less than crazy. The author doubted if he ever had the gumption to create such experiences. So he did the next best thing – author penned a book about it. Colorful Notions is a journey of three young hearts on the Indian terrain and into the inner recesses of their souls, giving a new perspective to relationships, love and life.

About Author: Mohit Goyal was born on 29th September 1983. Being born to a household of people who had a lot of resources but had many desires ingrained hunger in him to achieve something different in life. Fortunately, the love he found (pretty early, must be 15 or 16) was for books and a penchant for writing. Basically as a teenager, he concluded that writing was a non-existent career option, not one where you can churn money. He kept writing nevertheless, albeit in form of some short stories here and there or an odd article. After finishing Bachelors in Business, he ventured out on his own than doing a job (born to an entrepreneur father) and he thinks that he has done pretty well in it. But somehow he didn’t love it whole-heartedly. To dig deeper into life, he went to London and enrolled for a Masters in Logistics from Cranfield University. He intended to take a break, and see what life had to offer. Within a few years, Mohit got a chance to run his international logistics business in several Asian countries and

collaborated with some of the best minds of trade. But love was still not there. It is said that you can’t fake it.

Somewhere in between; Mohit fell for the missus, got married and became a father too. Perhaps it deserves a book in itself (fatherhood! And how men face its undocumented brunt!) In 2015, he finally took the plunge of typing out his first book. He’d say typing it out, because the stories were always there (in his mind). It required a crafty effort to bring them out in a way that it entertained and inspired readers.

In the middle of it, he realized that the genre is eternal. Travel is a synonym of life, and as reflective of its ups and downs as anything could be! Even before he could finish it, he had a part II and a part III brewing in his mind, just like earlier. So he decided to pursue it committedly for life. This time he knows he will. Because this time, it is out of real love.


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