BJD Govt. is anti-farmer – Er. Hota


Bhubaneswar ,

Er. Debashisha Hota , the convener of Krishak Sangharsh Samiti, at a Press conference in Hotel Swosti alleged the Naveen Pattanaik led BJD Government as anti-farmer. He narrated the police torture to the innocent farmers fighting for their bread & butter at Dhenkanal during his 8-day long hunger strike movement. There’re lots of POSCO-like incidents happened at Dhenkanal within a year by our SP Mr. Satish Gajavia. On 8th June last year, he brutally torture 46 land-losers of GMR Kamalang plant after arresting them illegally. Then, on 2nd April this year arrested 12 SC ladies of Kamagara & harassed them like anything, because they make a grievance before the Collector to solve their drinking water problem. He crossed all the limits on 28th May during the 6th day of my hunger strike by physically assaulting our senior district – level farmer leader Mr. Ranjan Lenka & Gondia Block President Sudhanshu Nayak in front of thousand farmers inside Gondia Block , Er. Hota told. We filed petition before the State Human Rights Commission on 31st May 2011 & discussed with the Chairperson. Then, we moved to the National Human Rights Commission & met the Chairperson on 13th June 2011 & discussed with him. The NHRC chairperson assured us to take legal actions against the guilty Dhenkanal SP Satish Gajavia and also suggest the Central Government to shut-out the problem of un-natural growth of elephants & highly polluting industries in Dhenkanal district , Er. Hota briefed the Press.

25 district level farmer leaders by the leadership of Er. Hota along with the District Secretary Niranjan Sahu , Treasurer Ranjan Lenka , Gondia Block President Sudhanshu Nayak , Kamakhyanagar Block President Pramod Sethy and Bhuban block worker Pravakar Poi , convinced the highly placed officers of NHRC at New Delhi by placing written proofs before them regarding this matter. For this One human right violation Case was registered by the number 1063/18/4/2011 at National Human Right Commission (NHRC) against the SP for his brutal torture to farmer leaders during the 8 day long hunger strike of Er. Hota from last 23rd May 2011.

This great farmers’ movement has been started from 4th March Bhuban block gherao. After a long & massive agitation the collector invited Er. Hota for discussion on 4th April , where he agreed to fulfill 20 demands. Since , he failed to his voice in last one & half month , Er. Hota sat for hunger strike till death from 23rd May in front of Collectorate by giving proper notice. The collector avoided to reach at the hunger strike place for long 6 days. This agitated the general public. Thousands of farmers moved to the roads for agitation. More than 250 arrested. 4 district level leaders including the district treasurer Ranjan Lenka was beaten severely by the SP in front of thousands of workers.

By keeping in mind that day by day the agitation is rolling ahead, the collector assured Er. Hota to fulfill the 20 agreed demands within a month. Only after this assurance , Er. Hota break his 8 day long fast for the greater interest of the farmers.

I’ve a great faith on the constitution of India and hope that the chairperson of NHRC will give justice to our grievance and the guilty SP will be punished by law, Er. Hota added.


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