Haryana Health Minister, Rao Narender Singh today said that child and mother health care is one of the top priorities of the State Government and Sick New Born Care Units would be set up in all the district hospitals by 2013. Decision has also been taken for reverse tracking to improve upon the services given be the health workers in acute anemia deficiency cases.
The Health Minister was presiding over a State Level meeting of officers of Health Department today. He gave strict instructions to the Medical Officers (MOs) that any negligence in providing child and mother health care would not be tolerated. He also directed the officers to submit report of OPD cases dealt by every MO.
While taking a serious note on cases of women deliveries and infant deaths in government hospitals, Rao Narender Singh said that any negligence would not be tolerated in the programmes related to mother and child care. He said that the position of Maternal and Child Mortality rate in the state is a matter of deep concern for the State Government and it was not leaving any stone unturned for ensuring the safety of mother and child. The MOs have to further work hard in this direction, he directed.
The Minister said that Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Bhupinder Singh Hooda has been giving special emphasis on health sector and it is the duty of MOs to ensure that common people could take benefit of these facilities. He said that awards would be given to the doctors performing excellently and strict action would be taken against those involved in dereliction of duties.
Rao Narender Singh said that health indicators are based on the reporting by department. So it is important to improve the quality of reporting as targets could be achieved by improving health programmes. While giving strict directions regarding cleanliness in hospitals, Rao Narender Singh said that all CMOs would regularly monitor the cleanliness and ensure the compliance of the directions.
Showing concern over the vacant posts of MOs and Specialists in Community Health Centres and district hospitals, Rao Narender Singh said that regular recruitment of doctors is being carried out to remove the any such shortage.
He stressed upon the need of further strengthening the Referral Transport Service and directed for making alternate arrangements in case of breakdown of Ambulance so that in emergency cases no patient remain deprived of treatment for want of Ambulances service. The employees authorized to run the Ambulance services should always maintain a friendly approach.
Principal Secretary, Health Mrs. Navraj Sandhu said that high level task force has been constituted to monitor the health indicators like IMR, MMR, sex ratio and Anaemia and experts from medical line are also included in it. She said that the department would soon start Urban Health Mission.
Mission Director, National Rural Health Mission, Dr. Rakesh Gupta said that officers had been directed to ensure Ultrasound facility to pregnant women in the hospitals or health care centres where this facility was not available from other empanelled sources at the concessional rate of Rs 150. Apart from this, directions have also been issued to outsource the services of expert doctors, staff nurses and sweepers under the Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram and also proposed to provide blood from outer source to pregnant women in serious cases.
Dr. Gupta said that good response has been received of the camps organized for checking the quality of vaccination campaign at two districts of the state namely Palwal and Mewat under UNAIDS programme in view of health indicators in these districts. Keeping in view the success of this programme, the Central Government has approved in principal for implementing it in other districts also.
Directorate of Health Services, Dr. Narveer Singh and senior officials of Health Department and NRHM were also present in the meeting.