Author Bhaavna Arora Launches Her Second Book ‘Mistress of Honour’ Amidst Much Fanfare


Author Bhaavna AroraINVC NEWS

Author Bhaavna Arora today launched her second book ‘Mistress of Honour’ in Bangalore at Landmark Stores amidst much fanfare. 300 strong audience including students, friends, family, Army personnel, educationists were present to witness the book launch. The book has been published and marketed by Penguin Random House.  The students at the launch event came in wearing the Indian Tricolour outfits and screaming the slogans like ‘Jai Hind’ and ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ which was enthralling for the audience.Renowned author and social activist, Shobha De complimented Bhaavna on the launch of her book, she said “Bullets and Hearts Dance together in this unusual love story about loyalty and trust”.

“Mistress of Honour is a very special story about the men who guard the country and the women who support them to make it happen. I am delighted that Bhaavna has chosen to write on this subject. She is an extremely passionate, talented and an author to watch out for” – says Milee Ashwarya, Editor in Chief, Commercial and Business Books.

Sivaramman Balakrishnan – Marketing Head, Landmark Stores said “After Amish Tripathi, this was the only launch which saw this kind of fervour, brilliant marketing and a passionate audience. The massive turnout was overwhelming”

Bhaavna’s previous book ‘The Deliberate Sinner’ was a smashing success which sold over 50,000 copies in the Indian market.

‘Mistress of Honour’ will also be launched at Kargil on the Kargil Diwas for which a special permission has been granted by 14 Corps of Army. This is the first time in the history of India a woman author will be launching her book at 11000ft.

About the Book – ‘Mistress of Honour’

Author Bhaavna Arora ,Second Book Mistress of Honour Amidst Much Fanfare, Bhaavna Arora,INVCNEWS, Bhaavna Arora AuthorThe portrayal of life in the armed forces is realistically and humanely depicted in Bhaavna’s second book, ‘Mistress of Honour’. A tight narrative which is an amalgamation of love, tragic sacrifice, war and well, life, the novel tells the story of mother-daughter duo Pansy and her daughter Rihana. While Pansy’s love story with Potnis unfolds in the time of Operation Blue Star, Advik and Rihana’s love must come second to his duty during the Kargil war. Will her love find its honourable destiny or will she remain the Mistress for the sake of Advik’s love for his country?  Both operations were crucial in the history of India and are extremely well researched and honestly depict the lives and choices of not just the soldiers but also their wives and families – the first casualties of war, in a manner of speaking. How each character deals with the uncertainty of war, with the outcome of the wars, the presence of their loved ones on the front and eventually their absence is the essence of this beautiful tale. Bhaavna has managed to do full justice to both the army and the fictional love story in one clean sweep. The storytelling is light and fluid. Fun moments about the training are nicely interspersed with romantic interludes and poignant, heart-wrenching war scenes. This balance results in a book that is unputdownable! Within two weeks, Mistress of Honour is already on the Amazon Top 20 List in the pre-order section!

The script covers various operations from the history of Indian Defense Forces; Incidents captured in the book range from Operation Blue star to the battle of Kargil. The book intends to not only encourage youth towards joining armed forces but also refreshes and reminds people of the immense sacrifice made my our soldiers in the line of duty. It also brings out the endurance of the soldiers’ families who selflessly let go off their sons, husbands, fathers and brothers for the safety of the nation. It takes more than grandeur to kill and die for the nation.

Author Bhaavna Arora ,Second Book Mistress of Honour Amidst Much Fanfare, Bhaavna Arora,INVCNEWSAbout the author:

Bhaavna Arora resents being a slave of the ordinary. She has a BEd degree, a double MBA as well as a PhD from Pittsford University, USA, to her credit. She is a corporate trainer on leadership for students and professionals. After heading an MBA college in Bangalore as a director for a few years, she went on to fulfil her dream of being an author. Her debut book The Deliberate Sinner was very well received by both the media and critics. It was rated one of the most popular books on by Quartz India and the third-most-read novel in India by Simplify360. A philanthropist at heart, Bhaavna has been sponsoring the education of an underprivileged child for the past eleven years.


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