Astrology and Health: How Planets Influence Diseases? Insights from Astrologer Anuraga Sharma

Astrologer Anuraga Sharma
Astrologer Anuraga Sharma

Astrology, an ancient science, has long been revered for its ability to provide insight into various aspects of human life. One of the lesser-known but fascinating areas where astrology intersects with our daily lives is health. According to Vedic astrology, the planets not only influence our fate and behavior but also play a pivotal role in our physical well-being. In this article, Astrologer Anuraga Sharma delves deep into the connection between planetary positions and various diseases, offering remedies that could potentially alleviate the effects of these celestial influences.

The Cosmic Connection: Planets and Our Health

The human body is a complex system composed of five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) and three humors (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), all of which are believed to be governed by the nine planets (Navagrahas) in astrology. When there’s an imbalance in these elements or humors, it manifests as diseases in the body. Astrologer Anuraga Sharma explains that each planet governs specific organs and bodily functions, and an affliction to any planet in one’s horoscope can lead to health issues.

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The Nine Planets and Their Associated Diseases

Each of the nine planets in Vedic astrology has a direct influence on different parts of the human body. Here’s a detailed look at how each planet is connected to various health issues and the remedies that can help mitigate these effects.

1. Sun (Surya) and Its Diseases

  • Governing Aspects: The Sun is considered the king of planets, representing vitality, energy, and the overall health of the body. It specifically governs the bones, heart, and eyes.
  • Associated Diseases: An afflicted Sun can lead to bone-related issues such as osteoporosis, heart problems like coronary artery disease, eye disorders, and diseases related to the digestive system such as ulcers and indigestion.
  • Remedies:
    • Wake up early and offer water to the Sun (Surya Namaskar).
    • Include wheat porridge in your diet.
    • Drink water from a copper vessel to strengthen the Sun’s influence.

2. Moon (Chandra) and Its Diseases

  • Governing Aspects: The Moon controls the mind, emotions, and fluids in the body, including blood and lymphatic systems.
  • Associated Diseases: Mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, and hormonal imbalances are often linked to a weak or afflicted Moon. It also influences problems related to the chest, lungs, and reproductive organs.
  • Remedies:
    • Avoid staying up late at night.
    • Fast on Purnima (full moon) or Ekadashi.
    • Worship Lord Shiva and wear a silver ring or chain.

3. Mars (Mangal) and Its Diseases

  • Governing Aspects: Mars is the planet of blood, muscles, and energy. It governs the bone marrow, muscles, and immune system.
  • Associated Diseases: Mars-related afflictions can cause high blood pressure, accidents, injuries, fever, and even skin infections.
  • Remedies:
    • Fast on Tuesdays.
    • Replace sugar with jaggery in your diet.
    • Sleep on a low bed or on the floor, and drink water from an earthen pot.

4. Mercury (Budh) and Its Diseases

  • Governing Aspects: Mercury governs the nervous system, skin, respiratory system, and the body’s overall immunity.
  • Associated Diseases: A weak Mercury can result in respiratory issues, skin disorders, nervous system problems, and infections.
  • Remedies:
    • Incorporate salads and green vegetables into your meals.
    • Spend some time in the early morning sunlight.
    • Consume basil leaves on an empty stomach in the morning.
    • Chant the Gayatri Mantra for added benefits.

5. Jupiter (Brihaspati) and Its Diseases

  • Governing Aspects: Jupiter is the planet of knowledge, wisdom, and expansion. It governs the liver, fat, and growth-related aspects of the body.
  • Associated Diseases: Afflictions to Jupiter can lead to obesity, liver disorders, diabetes, and even severe conditions like cancer and hepatitis.
  • Remedies:
    • Offer turmeric-infused water to the Sun every morning.
    • Wear a gold ring on the index finger.
    • Apply a turmeric tilak on your forehead.
    • Recite the Vishnu Sahasranama for spiritual protection.

6. Venus (Shukra) and Its Diseases

  • Governing Aspects: Venus controls the reproductive system, kidneys, eyes, and skin. It also governs the body’s hormonal balance.
  • Associated Diseases: Diseases associated with Venus include hormonal imbalances, diabetes, infertility, and eye problems.
  • Remedies:
    • Include yogurt in your lunch.
    • Limit intake of white foods like rice, sugar, and flour.
    • Go for a morning walk regularly.
    • Wear a white crystal (Sphatik) mala around your neck.

7. Saturn (Shani) and Its Diseases

  • Governing Aspects: Saturn is the planet of longevity and discipline. It governs the nervous system, bones, joints, and chronic diseases.
  • Associated Diseases: An afflicted Saturn can cause chronic ailments such as arthritis, nerve disorders, paralysis, and long-term health issues.
  • Remedies:
    • Adopt a simple and sattvic diet.
    • Ensure your living space is airy and clean.
    • Wear an iron ring.
    • Spend time under a Peepal tree, especially in the morning.

8. Rahu and Its Diseases

  • Governing Aspects: Rahu is known for causing mysterious and sudden illnesses. It governs the lower abdomen, intestines, and skin.
  • Associated Diseases: Rahu’s influence can lead to unexplainable health issues, skin diseases, addictions, and chronic ailments that start small but become serious over time.
  • Remedies:
    • Use sandalwood fragrance frequently.
    • Wear a Tulsi mala around your neck.
    • Keep your diet pure and sattvic.
    • Incorporate the color blue into your wardrobe.

9. Ketu and Its Diseases

  • Governing Aspects: Ketu is another shadow planet that causes mysterious health issues, often related to the skin, blood, and nervous system.
  • Associated Diseases: Ketu’s afflictions can cause rare skin diseases, blood disorders, and psychosomatic issues.
  • Remedies:
    • Bathe daily without fail.
    • Regularly visit temples or religious gatherings.
    • Donate food to the needy.
    • Engage in secret charity (Guptha Daan) periodically.

Why Understanding Planetary Influence Matters

Understanding the influence of planets on our health can be incredibly enlightening. Not only does it provide a deeper connection to the cosmos, but it also offers practical solutions for mitigating health issues. As Astrologer Anuraga Sharma suggests, these remedies aren’t just about superstition—they’re about aligning your body and mind with the natural rhythms of the universe.

Practical Tips for Applying Astrological Remedies

  • Consult a knowledgeable astrologer before undertaking any remedy to ensure it’s suited to your unique horoscope.
  • Consistency is key. Most remedies work best when done regularly and with faith.
  • Combine remedies with modern medicine. Astrology and traditional medicine can complement each other, offering a holistic approach to health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can astrology predict exact health issues?

Astrology can suggest potential health issues based on planetary positions in your horoscope, but it shouldn’t replace medical diagnosis or treatment. It’s more of a guiding tool.

2. Do astrological remedies really work?

While some people find relief through these remedies, effectiveness can vary from person to person. Faith and consistency play significant roles.

3. Is it necessary to consult an astrologer for health-related issues?

Consulting an astrologer is recommended if you want personalized remedies based on your horoscope. However, for any health issue, always consult a medical professional first.

4. How often should astrological remedies be practiced?

Most remedies are meant to be practiced daily or weekly. The key is regularity and sincere practice.


Astrology, with its profound understanding of the cosmic influences on our lives, offers a unique perspective on health. The relationship between the planets and diseases, as explained by Astrologer Anuraga Sharma, is a testament to the deep interconnection between our bodies and the universe. By incorporating these astrological remedies into your daily routine, you can potentially align yourself better with cosmic energies, leading to improved health and well-being. Remember, while astrology can guide us, it’s crucial to balance these ancient practices with modern medicine for a truly holistic approach to health.


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