Arab and Islamic countries condemn Israel’s actions in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank


Arab and Islamic countries condemn Israel’s actions in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank

Several leaders and senior officials from Arab and Islamic countries condemned Israel’s recent actions in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank. Incidents of violence between Israelis and Palestinians have increased in these areas in recent times.

The meeting, held in Cairo, was hosted by the Arab League and was attended by Egyptian President Abdul Fatah el-Sisi, Jordan’s King Abdullah II and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, as well as several foreign ministers and senior officials. Speakers at the meeting condemned Israel’s unilateral actions, including the demolition of homes and the expansion of settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

He also condemned visits by Israeli officials to the city’s disputed holy shrine. The site is considered holy to both Jews and Muslims, and such pilgrimages have often been the focus of unrest between Israel and Palestine. However, there was no immediate comment from Israel’s government.

Al-Sisi warned of serious consequences for any Israeli action to change the status quo of the site, saying that these events would negatively affect future negotiations to settle the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

Palestinian President Abbas said that his administration would seek the help of the United Nations and its agencies. He said that the Palestinian government will continue to approach international courts and organizations to protect the legitimate rights of its people. PLC/GT


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