Anil Kapoor and Sunil Shetty spend time with Plan community children



The day was special, spirits were high and it was a dream come true for the children of CHETNA / Plan community when they met Patron and Goodwill Ambassador of Plan India – Mr Anil Kapoor along with bollywood star Sunil Shetty.

The excited kids interacted with Anil and Sunil and shared their personal life experiences and issues faced by them. Sunil and Anil were pleased to meet these kids living in difficult circumstances. Children cited real life experiences on how they successfully managed to overcome their hurdles with help of Plan India.

Sharing his views on the occasion Mr. Anil Kapoor – Plan India’s Patron & Goodwill Ambassador said, “It fills me with excitement as I interact with these kids at this special occasion today. The only way to nurture a true relationship with children is to understand them and their needs especially those who need care and support and I feel blessed to have had an opportunity to be with them and be able to do something for the children. My association with Plan India has given me a platform to do something meaningful for the betterment of millions of children in India. I look forward for more such interactive session and gala time”

Ms Bhagyashri Dengle, Executive Director, Plan India expressed– “Plan in India has a long history of helping communities create real and lasting change for children. We most strongly believe that future of the country lies in  prosperity of the children who would grow up to be citizens of tomorrow. We extend our gratitude to Mr. Anil Kapoor for taking out valuable time and being with us today. It is indeed a great encouragement for the children to meet their role models who interact with them and help create memories forever”

 Anil Kapoor - Plan India’s Patron & Goodwill Ambassador
Anil Kapoor - Plan India’s Patron & Goodwill Ambassador



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