NIIFT, Mohali celebrates Lohri


Kulbri Kalsi,,
The students, faculty and staff member of Northern India Institute of Fashion & Technology (NIIFT), affiliated to PTU, celebrated Lohri with much fanfare and zest at NIIFT campus here today. A huge bonfire was lit up and all gathered around the rising flames, circle around the bonfire and throw puffed rice, popcorn and other munchies into the fire.  The faculty and staff members along with students offered prayer and performed parikrama around the fire, tossing traditional gachchak and rewaris into the bonfire, followed by singing Lohri songs in praise of Dulla Bhatti.   The event was then taken over by cultural dance performances by students. After that dance floor was thrown open to all the students to dance to the rhythms of DJs and Dhol the traditional double-headed Punjabi drum.  Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Vishav Bandhu, Director NIIFT Mohali who was Chief Guest during the occassion said ,”These events are being organized to showcase the unique cultural ethos and heritage of our country besides promoting culture bonding among students from different parts of country. “ He further said Lohri was not only a religious festival, but also a celebration to mark the end of an intense winter.


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