Gujarat Government strongly objected to misleading advert issued by the Government of India



Responding to the advertisement issued by the Government of India in only Gujarat’s newspapers regarding the assistance provided by the Central Government to all States, for centrally sponsored schemes under the 20 – point programme, the Government of Gujarat has strongly objected this advertisement and stated that it was not only devious attempt to mislead the people of Gujarat but also full of factual errors, not only in figures and numbers but also in the very concept of many schemes. The advertisement appeared in Gujarat’s newspapers, was not given to the newspapers published from other states. This clearly shows the motive of UPA government led by Congress to disseminate wrong information to the people of Gujarat when Assembly election is approaching.

The advertisement that came out in papers on the 8th of August, 2012 seems to have conveniently missed out some crucial facts about progressive development in Gujarat. Central funds may have been provided for implementation of schemes but a large part of financial assistance has also simultaneously been provided by the Government of Gujarat.

In a letter written by State Government to the Government of India, states that Gujarat stands foremost in contributing to the central exchequer. In the year 2011-12, Gujarat received central funds to the tune of only about Rs. 8,000 crore against the contribution of State over Rs.60,000 crore to the Central Government through Income Tax, Customs, Central Excise, Service Tax, etc.

The advertisement clearly misses the point that schemes like MNREGA, TDPS, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Mid Day Meal scheme etc. are not completely funded by the government at the Centre. These schemes include funding by the State Governments as well.

Gujarat has contributed 14%of the funds for MNREGA, having received only Rs.1,336 crore only of the total Rs.107,376 crore released to all other States. The result has been that the per capita payment made in Gujarat has been Rs.421 as opposed to Rs.4,845 in other States.

Under TDPS, the cost of distribution and all other administrative expenses have been borne by the State Government. Out of the 32 lakh BPL families in Gujarat, only 2/3rd are supported by the Government of India. Added to this is the cut on quota of kerosene to Gujarat by 27% by the GoI. This clearly shows the extent of aid provided by the UPA Government led by Congress to the people of Gujarat.

The claim in advertisement that SSA is fully funded by the Central Government is totally a false claim. The current funding pattern is 65:35 as opposed to the previous pattern of 75:25 until 2007. This implies that Gujarat has had to incur an additional cost of Rs.934 crore on account of change in funding pattern. The crux of the matter is that Gujarat is spending Rs. 18,688 crore (92%) of the funds for primary education whereas the GoI only makes a mere 8% contribution.

Same is the case with the Indira Awas Yojna and Mid Day Meal scheme, where Gujarat has gone beyond the norm of 25% contribution and borne a major part of the finances of the schemes. For implementation of MDM scheme, Gujarat released 41% funds allotted to the scheme. Contrary to the claims made by the advert, Gujarat has received only Rs. 1,120 crore instead of Rs.1419 crore for the same.

As opposed to the claim made in the advertisement, the GoI has contributed only 19.2% in the drinking water sector (not 50%) whereas GoG has extended 81% of the funds for provision of potable drinking water to 19,568 settlements.

In the case of minority welfare, Gujarat has received an insignificant 2.5% of funds in contrast to the 940 crore given to other 13 States. On its part, between 2007-08 to 2011-12, the State Government has spent Rs.49 crore for upliftment of the minorities, having been allotted only Rs.24.24 crore by the Central Government. This is double the amount it has received. Similarly, Gujarat has spent more than four times the amount for the welfare of the SC population, than the GoI.

The advertisement seems to have similar factual errors, which raises questions about the intentions of the publication of such a release. What awaits to be seen is how the Congress-led UPA government tries to hush-up this mistake!

The data shows factual position


Claims in the Advertisement (GoI contribution)

Facts on Ground

SSA100% funding35% spent by GoG
MDMGujarat received 1419 croreGujarat received 1,120 crore
IAY9.10 lakh houses constructed8.10 lakh houses constructed
Drinking water50% funds provided19.20 % funds provided



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