Wave of sympathy for trump puts him on path to potential victory

The attack on former US President and Republican Party’s presidential candidate Donald Trump on Saturday can prove to be a political lifesaver. Because, after the attack, a tremendous wave of sympathy is being seen in his favor. Before the attack, Trump was already ahead of Biden (45 percent) in the national average with 47 percent. At present, capitalizing on the atmosphere created in his favor after the attack, Trump can win the election with a huge majority by crossing the national average of 50 percent. However, the election is to be held on November 5. In such a situation, this is just a hypothetical situation. But even then, if elections are held this week, then in terms of Electoral College, a figure of 270 has to be achieved to win the presidential election, but the results of all the polls are showing that Trump can get up to 312 Electoral College seats.

In the state of Pennsylvania, where Trump was attacked, Trump is also seen getting a good lead in the survey poll. Here Trump is leading with an average of 48%. If Trump wins every state where he is currently leading, he will get enough electoral votes to win. According to 6 out of 10 agencies that conduct research and survey polls on American elections,

Currently 44 to 50 percent people in the country are in the mood to vote in favor of Trump. Apart from this, within the last one week, Trump’s figures have improved in the results of 8 out of 10 agencies. According to the Pew Research Center, if the mood of voters at the national level on Monday is converted into results, then Trump will get more than 50 percent votes, while Biden will get 47 percent votes.


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