Avoid These 5 Items to Keep Your Tulsi Plant Healthy and Please Maa Lakshmi


The Tulsi plant holds a significant place in the courtyards of many homes, especially among followers of Sanatan Dharma. This sacred plant, revered as a mother, is worshipped in the form of Goddess Lakshmi. The presence of Tulsi in a household is believed to bring blessings and prosperity. However, certain practices can lead to adverse effects and incur the displeasure of Maa Lakshmi, potentially halting financial progress. It is crucial to understand what items should never be offered to the Tulsi plant to maintain harmony and auspiciousness in your home.

The Importance of Tulsi in Sanatan Dharma

In Sanatan Dharma, the Tulsi plant is not just a plant but a deity. Worshipped as Goddess Lakshmi, Tulsi is believed to bring wealth, health, and spiritual benefits. The act of offering water to Tulsi daily is a common ritual observed by devotees. However, this ritual must be performed with utmost respect and purity, ensuring no inauspicious items are offered that might offend the deity.

1. Water Containing Milk

One of the most common mistakes is offering water mixed with milk to the Tulsi plant. This practice is highly discouraged as it can cause the plant to dry up. Only pure and clean water should be offered to Tulsi. The sanctity of the plant is maintained by using uncontaminated water, ensuring the plant remains healthy and continues to bless the household.

2. Wild Flowers

Offering wild flowers such as Belpatra, Ankda, or Dhatura to the Tulsi plant is considered inauspicious. These flowers are not suitable for Tulsi and can anger Maa Lakshmi. Since Goddess Lakshmi is associated with wealth and prosperity, using inappropriate offerings like wild flowers can result in negative outcomes and hinder the flow of positive energy and financial growth in your home.

3. Sesame Oil

Another critical item to avoid is sesame oil. Offering sesame oil, or any oil for that matter, can spoil the Tulsi plant. The use of oils is not conducive to the health of the plant. Instead, cow dung manure is recommended to nourish the Tulsi plant. Cow dung manure provides the essential nutrients required for the plant’s growth and well-being without causing any harm.

4. Sugarcane Juice

Sugarcane juice should never be offered to the Tulsi plant. This juice is typically offered to Lord Shiva and is not suitable for Tulsi. Moreover, sweet substances like sugarcane juice attract insects, which can damage the plant. To keep the Tulsi plant healthy and thriving, avoid any sweet offerings that could lead to infestations and harm the plant.

5. Kajal

Kajal or any black object should never be offered to the Tulsi plant. These items are believed to anger the goddess. Instead, other adornments such as geru (red ochre) and sindoor (vermillion) can be used to decorate the plant. These traditional adornments are considered auspicious and enhance the spiritual significance of the Tulsi plant.

How to Properly Care for the Tulsi Plant

Ensuring the Tulsi plant thrives involves more than just avoiding certain offerings. Here are some additional tips to properly care for your Tulsi plant:

Regular Watering

Regular watering is essential for the Tulsi plant’s health. Water the plant daily with clean, fresh water. During hot seasons, ensure the plant receives enough water to stay hydrated.

Adequate Sunlight

The Tulsi plant thrives in ample sunlight. Place the plant in a location where it can receive at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. This helps in the healthy growth of the plant.

Soil and Fertilizers

Use well-drained soil to plant Tulsi. Adding organic fertilizers like cow dung manure can enhance soil fertility and promote healthy growth. Avoid using chemical fertilizers as they can harm the plant.


Pruning the Tulsi plant regularly helps in promoting new growth. Remove any dry or dead leaves to keep the plant healthy and encourage the growth of new shoots.

Spiritual Practices

Performing regular puja (worship) and offering incense sticks or lamps near the Tulsi plant can enhance its spiritual aura. Chanting specific mantras and offering prayers to the Tulsi plant daily can bring peace and prosperity to your home.

The Spiritual Significance of Tulsi

The Tulsi plant is not only a symbol of purity but also a source of immense spiritual energy. It is believed that the presence of Tulsi in the home can ward off negative energies and attract positive vibrations. The plant is also known for its medicinal properties and is used in various Ayurvedic treatments.

Tulsi and Financial Prosperity

The association of Tulsi with Goddess Lakshmi makes it a harbinger of wealth and prosperity. Proper care and respect for the Tulsi plant ensure continuous blessings from Maa Lakshmi. By adhering to the guidelines and avoiding inauspicious offerings, devotees can maintain the divine grace and financial well-being in their homes.


In conclusion, the Tulsi plant is a sacred symbol in Sanatan Dharma, revered for its spiritual and medicinal benefits. Proper care and respectful offerings to the Tulsi plant can bring immense blessings and prosperity. By avoiding inauspicious items like milk mixed water, wild flowers, sesame oil, sugarcane juice, and kajal, devotees can ensure the continuous flow of positive energy and financial progress. Let us honor and nurture the Tulsi plant with the utmost respect to invite the divine grace of Goddess Lakshmi into our lives.


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