Avoid Planting These Trees at Home – Vastu Tips to Ensure Prosperity


New Delhi : In the realm of Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and home design, the choice of plants and trees to adorn your home is believed to play a significant role in shaping your destiny. It is believed that certain trees, if planted within your home, can invite negative energies, financial troubles, and various other misfortunes into your life. In this article, we will delve into the Vastu perspective on indoor gardening and explore which trees to avoid planting at home to ensure prosperity and well-being.

The Unfortunate Impact of Thorny Trees

According to Vastu Shastra, trees with thorns are considered inauspicious when planted in and around your home. These thorny trees are believed to bring discord and tension into family relationships. The negative energy associated with them can lead to financial difficulties and a general sense of unease within the household. Therefore, it is advisable to steer clear of trees like cacti and babool (Acacia) that are adorned with thorns.

Steer Clear of Imli (Tamarind) Trees

In Vastu Shastra, the tamarind tree, also known as Imli, is considered to generate negative energy. Planting an Imli tree within your home can inadvertently lead to financial troubles and hardships. To safeguard your financial well-being, it is best to avoid planting this tree in your garden.

Bonsai Trees Can Block Success

While bonsai trees are cherished for their aesthetics and artistic appeal, Vastu Shastra suggests that keeping a bonsai tree at home can obstruct progress and success in your endeavors. These miniature trees are believed to bring obstacles and hindrances in your professional and personal life. Thus, if you are striving for success, it is wise to refrain from decorating your living space with bonsai trees.

The Auspicious Morpankhi Plant

On the bright side, there are plants that Vastu Shastra regards as auspicious and conducive to happiness and prosperity. The morpankhi plant, also known as the money plant (Epipremnum aureum), is one such example. According to Vastu principles, having a money plant in your home can usher in good fortune, financial abundance, and positive energy. Its lush green leaves are said to attract wealth and prosperity, making it a preferred choice for indoor gardening.


In conclusion, the Vastu perspective on indoor plants and trees is a fascinating aspect of home design. To ensure the well-being of your family and promote prosperity, it is crucial to make informed choices when it comes to planting trees within your home. Avoiding thorny trees like cacti and babool, refraining from planting Imli trees, and steering clear of bonsai trees can help eliminate negative energies and financial troubles. On the other hand, welcoming the morpankhi or money plant into your home can invite positivity, wealth, and success. By following these Vastu guidelines, you can create a harmonious and prosperous living environment for yourself and your loved ones.


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