Kedarnath Temple Gold plates controversy : Pilgrimage Priests Call for Investigation


Rudraprayag : The controversy surrounding the gold plates in the sanctum sanctorum of Kedarnath temple has escalated, as shrine priests are now demanding an investigation into the matter. A video depicting the polishing of gold plates on the walls of the sanctum sanctorum recently went viral, reigniting the controversy. However, there has been no official statement from the Badri-Kedar Temple Committee regarding the viral video.

Previously, Kedarnath Teerth Purohit Santosh Trivedi had raised concerns about the gold plates, claiming that they had lost their original appearance and turned into brass. He called for an investigation into the matter. Now, new videos have emerged showing police personnel examining the gold plates on the walls of the sanctum sanctorum.

This recent polishing activity and the use of chemicals on the walls have sparked the opposition of the pilgrimage priests of Kedarnath. They allege that such work is being conducted without informing the Archaeological Department and the shrine priests themselves. They insist on the need for a thorough investigation into these activities.


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