An Expert Panel Launched the Book “Messages from Messengers” By Priti K Shroff


Messages from Messengers” book launch by Priti K Shroff, saw a very interesting mix of audience, from financiers to bankers to corporates & homemakers at the prestigious Bombay Stock Exchange. It was not just a plain book launch event but also had an interesting panel discussion on demystifying realms, a topic that fuels our curiosity. MD and CEO of the Bombay stock exchange, Mr. Ashish Chauhan was the chief guest with Panelists Kiren Shrivastav (Founder Fempowerment, Chairperson CFBP Consumer Film Festival and CEO of Molecule Communications), Mickey Mehta (Global holistic health guru and Health wizard), Sohrab Ardeshir (Actor and Spiritualist practicing mediumship for 20 years) andSanober Pardiwalla (Stunt woman and medium). The panel was moderated by Parmita Shroff a yoga teacher, sound healer and vegan chef, and the event was ably supported by Mr. Kamlesh Shroff Chairman WIRC, Association of National Exchanges Members of India.

Everything from decoding dreams to understanding mediums or channels through which, one can gain messages to the concept of building a relation with one’s intuition, was discussed. Other interesting concepts such as the conscious & sub-conscious mind, application of mindfulness, god consciousness etc. were explored. The event took on an interesting flow when Priti did a card reading session for the panelists using the deck, created to accompany the book. These unique hand designed cards were created keeping in mind the Indian culture and traditions. It is suitable for everyone at all stages of life as a tool for self-guidance.


Ashish Chauhan – MD CEO Bombay Stock Exchange had an interesting take on Spirituality. He explained desires are linked with the mind and a control on desires would limit your wants. It is also important to recognize that “Physicality is also a reality” as we are not Buddha’s.

 Kiren Shrivastav said, Today’s life is characterized by chaos wherein it can be very difficult for one to connect with the inner-self and the consciousness. The way we need a lawyer and/or a doctor, we need mediums and spiritualists who can help us deal with different situations via their skills to transmit information from the non-physical dimensions of existence. This book can play that role.


Summarising years of experience, Priti Shroff who is not only author of the book, but also sphereheads the Wellness Centre;PRISIM said, When I dive deep within my soul, I have all the answers and all problems dissolve.


About Priti Shroff and PRISIM

Author Priti Shroff: mother, wife and a holistic, mind-body-spirit healer, is inspired to write this book after eighteen cumulative years of her experience in the wellness space. The books share her experience and highlights the cycles of nature-from suffering to HOPE. 

The power of the Universe is infinitely greater than us; always inside out. It is not dormant. Whatever we radiate, is what it gives back to us, through Life. When our hearts are sincere and true, Life automatically opens doors for us, like a magnet that attracts all that it thinks of. The universal energies are always there and knows what we are thinking! If we don’t find our way it is only because somewhere – some things need alignment. The moment the energy you put-in is right, everything falls into place.

About Messages from Messengers

Messages from Messengers is a story of a woman, who like every ordinary person, endures both: days of happiness and sorrow. However, what sets her apart, is her childlike attitude towards life that not only makes situations easier, but also brings her closer towards divinity. Through her story, she gently highlights the significance of developing an inner communication with one’s self to lead a wholesome life with an attitude of gratitude. No matter what religious background one may come from, spirituality embraces all. Every religion points towards a higher power and it is when one surrenders to it, that divinity starts working in unknown ways to look after that individual. Spirituality is not about believing in a particular form of God but rather a journey of true self surrender.


Priti Shroff is known to use Angel Cards as her means to communicate with higher energies. These cards, as one will experience firsthand, are channeled specifically to guide an individual through critical situations by helping themselves through the ordeals. They are to be used as a tool to build a relationship with your intuition to become more potent to receive messages from your sub-conscious mind, gut or supernatural forces.


She clearly states that her task is to show the path but to walk upon it is each individual’s journey. Through self help and self motivation, the efforts work toward preparing the individual to be strong enough to make his/her own decisions in life and allow the intuition to guide them towards their highest good.


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