Minister of Food Processing Industries Sh. Subodh Kant Sahai and the visiting Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of France, H.E. Mr. Bruno Le Maire is scheduled to meet today




The Minister of Food Processing Industries Sh. Subodh Kant Sahai and the visiting Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of France, H.E. Mr. Bruno Le Maire are meeting in New Delhi today. The two sides will discuss cooperation of both the countries on scientific, technical and training matters in the field of Food Processing Industry. India has identified post harvest management, supply chain logistics, packaging, food safety, quality and food processing tehnology as the areas of cooperation with France.

Both sides would also discuss Business to Business engagement between the two countries in the field of food processing and trade. Both countries will also engage in exchange of technical and scientific skills including manpower , organising workshops, conferences, capacity building programmes in the area of food processing industries. India and France expect that this will facilitate increase in trade volume between the two countries.

The food processing sector in India is expected to grow by 20% and value addition to increase by 35% by 2015. Food Processing Industry is a potential source for driving the rural economy and is of great importance to an agrarian economy like India.


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