Hamirpur district will continue to get priority in development : Virbhadra Singh


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Chief Minister Shri Virbhadra Singh said that entire State had witnessed speedy development during last two years and it was being ensured that all areas were developed uniformly without any discrimination. He was addressing a public meeting at Bhoranj in Hamirpur district today.

He said that Hamirpur district had always got special attention of the State Government for development and today it was the most progressive district of the State. He said that the district was formed due to efforts of Congress Party and the Congress Governments were responsible for maximum development of it. The National Institute of Technology, Polytechnic College and all five degree colleges were approved by Congress Governments and the biggest drinking water supply scheme of the district was also constructed during Congress regime. He said now one medical college was also being set up in the district.

Shri Virbhadra Singh said that few opposition leaders had failed to see unprecedented development of Hamirpur district and other lowers areas undertaken by the Congress Governments and for sake of their ulterior motives they had been accusing him for discrimination with these areas. He said that people of the State were wise enough to realize that Himachal Pradesh was formed due to consistent efforts of Congress leaders and most of the development had been carried out by the Congress Governments.

He said that former Chief Minister Shri Prem Kumar Dhumal had been alleging the Government for harassing him whereas the fact was that inquiries were being made against him and others on the basis of chargesheet submitted by the Congress Party before the Assembly elections. He said that various anomalies had been found in various cases during previous BJP regime which were being investigated as was promised by Congress in its election manifesto.

Chief Minister said that various cases were framed against him by the former Chief Minister but instead of blaming any body he faced the trials in the Hon’ble Courts and was exonerated every time. He added that he had no personal grudges against any leader and there were differences based only on politics, ideology and principles. He reaffirmed that he never believed in politics of vendetta and discrimination in development and all areas would continue to get equal treatment in the future as well.

Earlier, the Chief Minister inaugurated the science block of GSSS Ladraur constructed at a cost of Rs. 83.23 lakhs and science block of GSSS Mundkhar constructed by spending Rs. 83 lakhs. He also inaugurated bridge at Bhadru connecting Gaharan-Parol which has been constructed at a cost of Rs.139.09 lakhs.

Speaking on the occasion Chairman, APMC Hamirpur Shri Prem Kaushal said that Shri Virbhadra Singh was the paramount leader of the State who had mass acceptability and he realized the dreams of Dr. Y.S. Parmar for allround development of the State in a real sense.  He also raised the demands of the areas.

Senior Congress leader Shri Ramesh Dogra, Bhoranj Block Congress President Shri Rajiv Lal Mehar also spoke on the occasion.

Chief Parliamentary Secretary Shri I.D. Lakhanpal, Vice Chairman, State Disaster Management Authority Shri Rajender Rana, Vice Chairman, KCCB Shri Kuldeep Singh Pathania, former MLA Smt. Anita Verma, District Congress President Shri Naresh Thakur, District Mahila Congress President Smt. Rakesh Rani, State Women Commission Member Smt. Promila Devi, senior officers and prominent persons of the area were present on the occasion.


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