Celebration of “Water Conservation Day” on 19th November 2012



National Integration Day is celebrated on 19th November to mark the birth anniversary of late Mrs Indira Gandhi, the 1st woman Prime Minister of India. On this occasion Union Ministry of Water Resources has decided to celebrate “Water Conservation Day” on 19th November 2012 to create awareness regarding concern about depleting water resources & its vision for the water underlining the Ministry’s commitment to be an active contributor to the sustainability of this very important natural resource.  Field offices of various organizations under the administrative control of the Ministry have been advised to hold discussions, seminars related to water conservation to spread the message. Ministry of Water Resources as well as its organisations will organise a variety of mass awareness programmes for different stake holder. At national level, a function is being organized by Ministry of Water Resources at CSMRS auditorium, New Delhi at 1 P.M. on 19th November 2012. Union Minister of Water Resources Shri Harish Rawat would chair the inaugural function and Shri Rajendra Singh, the Raman Magasaysay Winner 2001 also known as the Waterman would be the guest of honour. Secretary (Water Resources), Chairman (CWC) and other dignitaries would address the gathering. In the function an event representing amalgamation & integration of the water of rivers across India would also be held.  Inauguration function would be followed by technical presentations on Water Conservation by Central Water Commission, Central ground Water Board and Delhi Jal Board officers on water conservation. Also, there would be a play by children on Water Conservation and the representatives of various stake holders, NGOs, RWAs etc., would present their views on how they are or can contribute in water conservation.  It is expected that various stakeholders in water sector, NGOs, VOs, students group’s, RWA and community leaders would participate in the function apart from various scientific and technical officers and staff of various organizations of MoWR.



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