Why Married Women Wear Green Bangles and Sarees During Sawan

Why Married Women Wear Green Bangles and Sarees During Sawan
Photo: Social Media

Puri : The sacred month of Sawan, beginning on July 22, 2024, and concluding on August 19, 2024, holds significant importance for Hindu devotees. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, this period is marked by intense devotion, rituals, and worship. Among the many traditions followed during this time, married women commonly wear green bangles and sarees. But why is this considered auspicious? Let’s explore the religious and cultural significance behind this tradition.

The Auspiciousness of Green in Sawan

Lord Shiva’s Favorite Color

According to Deoghar’s astrologers, green is considered Lord Shiva’s favorite color. This is why green Bel leaves and Shami leaves are offered to him during prayers. Lord Shiva’s affinity for greenery extends to the natural world, as Sawan is a time when lush greenery is abundant. The sight of flourishing plants and trees during this month is symbolic of the life and prosperity that Lord Shiva bestows upon his devotees.

Symbolism of Green in Hinduism

Green symbolizes life, renewal, and energy. Wearing green during Sawan aligns with the natural vibrancy of the season, representing growth and fertility. This is why married women wear green bangles and sarees as a part of their devotional practices.

Religious Significance of Wearing Green

Pleasing Lord Shiva

During Sawan, women believe that wearing green bangles and sarees pleases Lord Shiva. The color green, symbolizing life and fertility, resonates with the divine energy of the month. By adorning themselves in green, women seek to honor Lord Shiva and invoke his blessings.

Enhancing Marital Harmony

Green bangles are also thought to enhance love and affection between married couples. Offering these bangles during rituals is believed to strengthen marital bonds, bringing harmony and happiness into married life. This tradition underscores the importance of devotion and togetherness in marriage.

Astrological Benefits

Astrologers suggest that wearing green during Sawan strengthens the planet Mercury in one’s horoscope. Mercury is associated with intelligence, communication, and prosperity. By donning green attire, women hope to harness these positive attributes, enhancing their overall well-being and fortune.

Rituals and Celebrations During Sawan

Jalabhishek: The Ritual of Offering Water

Jalabhishek, the ritual of offering water to Lord Shiva, is a cornerstone of Sawan worship. Devotees believe that performing this ritual with sincere devotion fulfills their desires and brings spiritual peace. Adding green bangles and sarees to these rituals amplifies their significance, symbolizing the devotee’s dedication.

Hariyali Teej: Celebrating Nature’s Abundance

Hariyali Teej, a festival celebrated during Sawan, marks the reunion of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Women dress in green attire, symbolizing the lush greenery of the season. They participate in prayers, fasting, and rituals, seeking the blessings of the divine couple for marital bliss and prosperity.

The tradition of wearing green bangles and sarees during Sawan is a profound blend of devotion, cultural practices, and astrological beliefs. It reflects a deep connection to nature and the divine, fostering a sense of spiritual fulfillment and harmony in marital relationships. As Sawan 2024 approaches, women will continue to honor these traditions, seeking blessings from Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati for a prosperous and joyful life.


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