Vice president releases the book “Iqbal Ka Harfe Sheerin”

Vice President of India M. Hamid Ansari,Iqbal Ka Harfe Sheerin,INVC,
The Vice President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari released a book entitled “Iqbal Ka Harfe Sheerin” authored by Professor Abdul Haq, an authority on Iqbal studies and classical texts and former Head of the Dept. of Urdu in Delhi University here today. Addressing on the occasion, the Vice President said that he has read the poems of Iqbal since his childhood and Prof. Haq has done an exemplary job in writing a book for propagating the Iqbal’s art and writing. Iqbal was a humanist and the great philosopher poet of India. He congratulated the author for bringing out such a useful book on Iqbal and asked the author to get this valuable book translated in to Hindi and English also for a wider reach among people of our country.

The book highlights that the Iqbal’s melody not only vibrates with the verve and vitality of his own personality but also with the aspirations and longings of his country, desperately struggling against political enslavement and social and cultural degradation.


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