Vice President inaugurates Right to Information Conference

INVC Bureau
New Delhi. The Vice President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari has said that he was pleasantly surprised at the manner in which common citizens across the country have taken recourse to the Right To Information (RTI) Act to address their unending efforts to secure justice. Delivering inaugural address at the “Right To Information Conference” organized by ‘Public Cause Research Foundation’ here today, he said that it is no secret that the legal process of securing justice in our country is time consuming; there is also an acquittal rate of around 90 percent. The public has thus little option but to resort to administrative facilitation and the procedures of administrative justice. Even legislators are assessed by their ability to secure administrative facilitation and justice to their constituents rather than by their ability in law making or holding the government to account.
The Vice President said that the interesting experiences of the citizen nominees for the Foundation’s RTI Award are proof that the RTI Act has become an instrumentality in the hands of the citizen to secure administrative facilitation and grievance redressal through his/her own effort.


  1. MY SPOUSE AND I dont definitely really know what youre speaking about the following. this kind of cant always be the only real way take into consideration this may the idea? It appears as though you are aware of a lot regarding the subject matter, exactly why definitely not investigate them a lot more? Cause it to a lot more accessible in order to anyone altogether different exactly who won’t trust everyone? Youd have a lot more men and women behellond the following if you merely quit creating normal transactions.


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