Unveiling the G-20 Summit: A Comprehensive Guide to Delhi’s Public Holiday


New Delhi  : The upcoming G-20 Summit under India’s presidency is scheduled for September 9th and 10th. The event will take place at the impressive State of Art Convention Complex situated within Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. This global gathering of leaders calls for strategic measures, and the Kejriwal-led Delhi government has taken a bold decision to declare a public holiday from September 8th to 10th, encompassing a span of three days.

A Respite for the Capital: The Public Holiday Announcement

Understanding the magnitude of the G-20 Summit, the Delhi Police played a pivotal role in advocating for a public holiday from September 8th to 10th. Acknowledging the significance of this recommendation, the Kejriwal government promptly gave its assent, leading to the historic declaration of a public holiday. During these three days, the city of New Delhi will experience a temporary shutdown, with private offices, malls, markets, and schools closing their doors.

Ripple Effects: Impact on Various Sectors

The repercussions of this public holiday extend across various sectors. Banks and financial institutions within the New Delhi district will remain shuttered as per the directive of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Furthermore, both the offices of the Delhi Government and the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) will be non-operational during this period. This proactive approach ensures seamless coordination and minimizes disruptions in light of the global event.

Navigating Education: Schools and Colleges Adapt

In alignment with the public holiday announcement, schools and colleges within the city are expected to adjust their operations. While some institutions may transition to online modes of learning, others might consider temporary closures. This adaptive approach aims to strike a balance between academic continuity and prioritizing the safety and convenience of students and staff.

Adapting Workspaces: Remote Work and Business Closures

The Kejriwal government’s decision also extends to workplaces. It is anticipated that certain offices will encourage employees to work remotely from September 8th to 10th. This move not only aligns with the essence of the public holiday but also highlights the city’s commitment to facilitating the G-20 Summit’s success.

Moreover, businesses and commercial establishments are expected to adhere to a pre-determined map crafted by the Delhi Police’s New Delhi district. As a result, shops and business ventures will temporarily close their doors, allowing the city to focus on hosting the international event without disruptions.

The Metro Lifeline: Ensuring Uninterrupted Commutes

Amid the orchestrated hiatus, Delhi’s lifeline, the metro service, will continue to operate. Commuters are encouraged to utilize the metro system for their daily commutes, especially during the G-20 Summit. This not only eases traffic congestion but also aligns with the city’s commitment to environmental sustainability. Traveling by metro is advised, particularly when heading to essential destinations such as airports, railway stations, bus stands, and hospitals.


In the wake of the impending G-20 Summit, the Delhi government’s decision to declare a public holiday from September 8th to 10th reflects its commitment to hosting a successful global event. This strategic move ensures the seamless execution of the summit, while simultaneously highlighting the city’s dedication to the safety and convenience of its residents. As New Delhi embraces this historic moment, it invites residents and visitors alike to leverage the metro system for uninterrupted travel.


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