Unregistered eligible Service Personnel can still file

New Delhi ,

The process of summary revision of last parts of electoral rolls with reference to 01.01.2019 as the qualifying date has concluded with the final publication of last parts today i.e. on 22.02.2019. A total of 16,62,993 service personnel have been enrolled as Service Electors in the Country in the final last part of electoral roll 2019.

In 2014 the corresponding figure was 13,27,627. Thus the 2019 ER has recorded a substantial increase on the total number of service voters of 2014. This increase in number of service voters has been due to the Commission’s all out efforts to maximise the registration of service electors during summary revision 2019 and active cooperation of the services/departments concerned and greater participation of service personnel.

As per the provisions of law and instructions of the Commission, all left out and un-registered eligible service personnel can still file their applications for registration in the last part of electoral roll during continuous updation till the last date of filing nominations of elections, and they can submit the Form 2, 2A or 3, as the case may be, through their Record officer/Commanding Officer/Authority concerned on the service voter portal i.e. servicevoter.nic.in. It is clarified that all the Forms received till 10 days before the last date of filing nominations shall be disposed of and the names of the applicants shall be included in last part of electoral rolls, if the Forms have been found complete in all respect by the ERO concerned.

In order to ensure that maximum number of service personnel are enrolled in the last part and exercise their electoral right of franchise at elections, all the services/departments concerned have been requested to focus on bridging the gap in registration, if any, by motivating all unregistered eligible service personnel to get themselves enrolled in the electoral roll as service elector during continuous updation  so that they are not deprived of voting at impending election for want of registration in the electoral roll



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