Two research scholars of Rajasthan Technical University: Aparajita Dixit and Suresh Kumar Sharma conferred PhDs for Groundbreaking Research

Rajasthan Technical University honors Aparajita Dixit and Suresh Kumar Sharma with PhD degrees in Computer Science
Rajasthan Technical University honors Aparajita Dixit and Suresh Kumar Sharma with PhD degrees in Computer Science

Jaipur :  Today marks a significant milestone for Rajasthan Technical University as it bestows the PhD. degrees upon two outstanding students, Aparajita Dixit and Suresh Kumar Sharma, in the field of Computer Science and Applications. The defense, conducted at the university premises, saw Aparajita Dixit being awarded for her research titled “Designing of Data Analytics and Technology Support Framework for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Over Cloud”, while Suresh Kumar Sharma was honored for his thesis on “Weather Variability-Based Forecasting Using Deep Learning in Agroclimatic Zones”.

Dr Aprajita Dixit
Dr Aprajita Dixit

Aparajita Dixit: Trailblazing in “Designing of Data Analytics and Technology Support Framework for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Over Cloud”
Aparajita Dixit, a student from Maharshi Arvind Institute of Science and Management, Ambabari, Jaipur, has been recognized for her groundbreaking research in “Designing of Data Analytics and Technology Support Framework for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Over Cloud.” Her innovative work in this domain promises to revolutionize the way small and medium enterprises utilize cloud technology for data analytics and technological support. Under the guidance of Professor Dr.D.P. Sharma, Aparajita has demonstrated exceptional prowess in conceptualizing and implementing solutions that cater to the evolving needs of businesses in the digital era

Dr Suresh Kumar Sharma
Dr Suresh Kumar Sharma

Suresh Kumar Sharma: Pioneering “Weather Variability Based Forecasting Using Deep Learning in Agroclimatic Zones”
Suresh Kumar Sharma, another outstanding scholar, has been acknowledged for his pioneering research titled “Weather Variability Based Forecasting Using Deep Learning in Agroclimatic Zones.” His dissertation sheds light on the application of deep learning techniques in forecasting agricultural outcomes based on weather variability. This research holds immense potential in enhancing agricultural practices by providing accurate and timely forecasts, thereby contributing to food security and sustainable development. Suresh Kumar Sharma’s dedication to his field of study, coupled with his mentor Professor Dr.D.P. Sharma’s guidance, has culminated in a thesis that has the power to make a tangible impact in the agricultural sector. Under the expert guidance of Professor Dr. D.P. Sharma, a distinguished computer scientist and digital diplomat associated with the United Nations, both Suresh Kumar Sharma and Aparajita Dixit embarked on their research journey. Professor Sharma’s invaluable mentorship played a pivotal role in shaping their research endeavors and nurturing their intellectual growth. His profound insights and vast experience enriched their academic pursuits, paving the way for groundbreaking contributions in their respective fields.

Guidance from Esteemed Mentor: Professor Dr. DP Sharma

Under the expert guidance of Professor Dr. DP Sharma, a distinguished computer scientist and digital diplomat associated with the United Nations, both Suresh Kumar Sharma and Aparajita Dixit embarked on their research journey. Professor Sharma’s invaluable mentorship played a pivotal role in shaping their research endeavors and nurturing their intellectual growth. His profound insights and vast experience enriched their academic pursuits, paving the way for groundbreaking contributions in their respective fields.

Impact and Future Prospects

The research conducted by Aparajita Dixit and Suresh Kumar Sharma transcends academic boundaries and has the potential to bring about significant changes in various sectors. From empowering small and medium enterprises with efficient cloud-based solutions to revolutionizing agricultural forecasting techniques, their work promises to create a lasting impact on society. As they embark on their professional journeys, they carry with them the torch of innovation and a commitment to excellence.

A New Chapter in Academic Endeavors

In the annals of academic history, the defense of a doctoral thesis marks the culmination of years of perseverance, dedication, and intellectual inquiry. As Dr. Suresh Kumar Sharma and Dr. Aparajita Dixit embark on the next chapter of their academic journey, their contributions will continue to inspire and shape the future of their respective fields. With their groundbreaking research poised to make waves in academia and beyond, the legacy of excellence forged at Rajasthan Technical University shines brighter than ever before.


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