The Campaign Diary – Modi in Punjab – By Arun Jaitley


modi1_1310067f{ Arun Jaitley } Narendra Modi’s filing nomination at Varanasi witnessed a sea of humanity accompanying him in the road show prior to his filing the nomination.  It was a show rarely been witnessed earlier.  Such unprecedented crowds can never be ‘organized’.  They have to be self inspired.  It is only political workers who are persuaded to join the support bandwagons.  But when crowds arrive in such mind boggling strength, there is always an element of spontaneity.

The Prime Minister reacted to the obviously visible Modi support by suggesting that he saw no Modi wave in the country. Modi has already addressed over 400 rallies across India.  The attendance at the rallies has been unprecedented.  The manner in which the BJP cadre and the support constituencies has been charged up through the campaign, is indicative of the inspirational mood.  Modi’s ability to set the agenda for good governance and stick to the agenda despite provocation is clearly demonstrable.  Northern, Central and Western India has seen a sizable BJP support base. For the Modi wave to be visible in these areas was only to be expected. It is the enormous amount of goodwill that he enjoys even in Eastern and Southern parts of the country which is leading to a significant increase in the BJP vote.

As against this, the Gandhis are all at sea.  This is the first time where an outgoing government, through its leaders, is carrying on a campaign of negativity rather than highlighting their own achievements.  While the country is debating on the anti-incumbency against the Congress, the Gandhis are busy attacking the incumbent.  It is a rare occasion in history that a ruling party hides its failure by blaming the opposition.  This desperate tactic does not sell.  Dr. Manmohan Singh may be myopic not to see a Modi wave.  Is it that he sees it but can’t admit it?  This election is about a dual trend.  The first is an anti incumbency against the Congress and the UPA. A principle component of that incumbency is leadership failure.  It is thus this leadership failure which is responsible for the second electoral reaction.  Modi has become a symbol of hope for an anguished India which is looking for solutions.  It is the combination of these two reactions which has strengthened the desire of the country to elect Modi as its Prime Minister.  The acid tongued amongst the Congress leaders are watching helplessly.  The Chidambrams, Sibals, Tiwaris, Anand Sharmas have convinced themselves that rude and discourteous phrases about Modi would perhaps counter Modi juggernaut.

Modi in Punjab

Narendra Modi is addressing five rallies today in Punjab.  He visits the Gurdaspur, Bathinda, Hoshiarpur, Ludhiana and Amritsar parliamentary constituencies to campaign today.  Punjab eagerly awaits Narendra Modi in what is likely to be a game changer show.


arun-jaitley_19**Arun Jaitley
Leader of Opposition (Rajya Sabha )

*Disclaimer: The writer is a freelance journalist and the views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC.


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