Tension between Israel and Iran is at its peak – Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets at Israel


Tehran : The Tension between Israel and Iran is at its peak. Meanwhile, Hezbollah has fired dozens of rockets at Israel, which has increased the tension in the Middle East, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani warned that any next mistake by Israel will be given a harsh response from Iran. Kanaani condemned the recent incidents near downtown Isfahan and described the attacks as malicious. He said Iran’s air defenses successfully repelled the attack.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, a day after the return of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani from the US, Iraq launched rockets towards a US military base in Syria. A rocket launcher was deployed on a small truck in the Iraqi city of Jummar, bordering Syria, and five rockets were fired targeting the US military base. During this time the truck on which the rocket launcher was kept. It exploded. It is being said that the airstrike was targeted at the truck, in which American warplanes are suspected to be involved.

Many countries of the world are engulfed in war. While the Russia-Ukraine war has been going on for more than two years, Hamas and Israel have been fighting for the last six months. Here, a war also seems to be breaking out between Iran and Israel. The tension between two arch enemy countries has reached its peak. Meanwhile, Hezbollah attacked Israeli army headquarters in northern Israel with Katyusha rockets. Let us tell you, Hezbollah is an armed group based in Lebanon, which is supported by Iran. Hezbollah confirmed the rocket attack on the headquarters of the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the 91st Division at An Zetim base. Also claimed that he attacked with dozens of Katyusha rockets.

The Israeli army retaliated by targeting rocket-launching sources. The Israeli army says that an attempt was made to target the En Zetim base with about 35 rockets. However, there were no casualties in the attack. The number of casualties has been increasing since the increased tension between Israel and Iran. At least 376 people, mainly Hezbollah fighters, and 70 civilians have been killed in Lebanon, according to a reported figure. At the same time, 10 soldiers and eight civilians from the Israeli side have been killed.


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