INVC NEWS – a leading publisher of tax and corporate laws in India – today announced its first ‘GST Practitioners’ Exam Module’, an online platform to prepare for the GST Practitioners’ Exam. This allows practitioners to undertake exam-like mock tests strictly as per the syllabi of the GST Practitioners’ Exam prescribed by the National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes and Narcotics (NACIN), Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
This module is the largest database of MCQs (multiple choice questions) prepared by subject experts, providing students and practitioners 3,000+ mock questions helping them better understand the law and in preparing for the GST Practitioners’ Exam. Another highlight is the dashboard, showcasing all key statistics relating to the number of mock tests available, students’ performance in mock exams, the average time taken, and suchlike.
Prateek Bhargava, Director, said: “With the upcoming GST exams, we are providing an easily-accessible platform for comprehensive knowledge on all provisions of GST Laws without distorting the intent and spirit of the law.”
A few weeks earlier, Taxmann had launched the GST Practitioners’ Question Bank. This comprises bulleted explanations on the entire gamut of GST laws with more than 3,000 MCQs and the latest developments in the GST laws, including the latest circulars as well as orders and notifications issued up to September 2018 to help in better understanding the subject.