Tag: Success Story
6700 ASHAs strengthened the Surveillance and Awareness Drives
New Delhi, As soon as the index case was reported in Meghalaya, ASHAs and ASHA facilitators were trained to...
Rare Liver auto-transplant amid COVID-19 pandemic gives new lease of life to mother with...
Team of experts at Apollo Hospitals Bengaluru successfully perform Auto-Transplant surgeryINVC NEWS Bengaluru,
A rare liver auto-transplant was successfully performed at Apollo Hospitals, Bengaluru...
Taiwan is a shining example of how to successfully contain COVID-19
Taiwan Excellence’s “Stay-At-Home Economy” is Heating Up! Smartly Fighting Against Both the Pandemic and BoredomINVC NEWS Taiwan -Mumbai,
During the COVID-19 pandemic, not only are...
This will help in better management of the species
Exotic live species are animal or plant species moved from their original range (location) to a new one. These species are introduced to a...
They fear that they cannot aspire to do or replicate what the developed countries...
New Delhi, In a very encouraging endorsement of the success of Digital India programme initiated by the Government led by...
Coronavirus : smart City का War room निभा रहा है महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका
आई एन वी सी न्यूज़ अजमेर ,
अजमेर नगर निगम (एएमसी) ने 2 मार्च 2020 से ही सक्रिय कदम उठाना शुरू कर दिया थाऔर...
Paying the Price of Protection
A new model of autoimmune disease may solve some great outstanding riddles, including what causes T cells to attack and why only certain organs...
The enterprise-grade mobile agent app offers seamless user experience to reduce call handling time...
INVC NEWS New Delhi,
The Coronavirus has shaken up the entire service industry as the ongoing lockdown from Mumbai to Manila has...
Success Story : श्रमिकों की चिंता हुई दूर
बस आवागमन के लिए जिला प्रशासन राजनांदगांव ने कीतत्परता एवं सक्रियता से व्यवस्थाश्रमिकों की सहायता के लिए काऊंटर बनाए गएनाश्ते एवं पेयजल के लिए...
उपचार के साथ अपनत्व का एहसास दिला रही नर्सें
आई एन वी सी न्यूज़ भोपाल ,
कोरोना संक्रमण के नाजुक दौर में मरीजों के बेहतर इलाज के साथ-साथ उनकी देखरेख में लगे चिकित्सक, नर्सिंग...