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डॉ डी पी शर्मा पीस मैसेंजर अवार्ड से सम्मानित

डॉ शर्मा इस समय इंटरनेट गवर्नेंस के लिए यूनाइटेड नेशंस के द्वारा स्थापित "इंटरनेट गवर्नेंस फोरम" से भी जुड़े हैंआई एन वी सी न्यूज़...

Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Data Analytics, may challenge the human employment

INVC NEWS  Shenzhen China ,The "International Conference of Industrial Applications of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BDAI-2020)" was organized by the Hong Kong Society...

360-degree transformation is needed in the new education policy 2020

INVC NEWSNew Delhi, An international dialogue was organized by Arya Group Media Network, the subject of which was to prepare a report in consultation...

The UN has learned lots of lessons from history and now developing a road...

UN Day 2020: On the issues of Past, Present & Progress,  the UN Day celebratedINVC NEWS  New Delhi,  The UN Day celebration was celebrated...

Industrial development should be balanced with natural justice and development

Industry Champion Awards 2019 Function  Organized on 5th August 2019  INVC NEWS Jaipur,Industry Champion Award function was organized jointly by Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce & Industry,...

An Entrepreneur Should Be Aware of the Dangers in Human Resource Tech

- Prof DP Sharma - What are the masking meters in employers and employees? It may be a matter of deep discussion and argumentation that...

Dr. D.P. Sharma will be awarded by ‘Shantidoot’ Honor of World Peace Movement Trust...

INVC NEWS Jaipur, Professor and ILO-United Nation’s International Consultant Prof DP Sharma has been conferred for prestigious award named ‘Shantidoot’ (Ambassador of Peace) by the World...

Iconic personalities were awarded for Lifetime Achievements

INVC NEWS New Delhi,Seven Iconic personalities were awarded by Sardar Ratn& Sardar Patel International awards for Lifetime Achievements in various fields. These awards were presented...

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