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Natural food and not the supplement for preventing heart disease

INVC,, Delhi,, One should take seasonal and locally grown natural food and vegetables grown out of organic farms. Eat less, dinner lighter then the lunch, eat...

Stop all herbal medicines seven day before any surgery

INVC,, Delhi,,                       Herbal medications are frequently used by patients undergoing surgery. Some of these agents...

Good news for the exam stress

INVC,, Delhi,,                              Quoting a study published in the journal Sleep, Padma Shri and Dr...

High BP in Pregnancy Increases Risk for Future Atherosclerosis

INVC,, Delhi,,                                               Women...

Chronic kidney disease is heart disease

INVC,, Delhi,, The two main causes of chronic kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure, which are responsible for up to two-thirds of the cases....

Have Leg Artery Blockages? Walk on a Treadmill

INVC,, Delhi,,  A planned program of walking is good for people with blockage of leg blood vessels called peripheral arterial disease (PAD) said Padma Shri &...

Hookah As Bad As Smoking

INVC,, Delhi,, An hour of puffs from a hookah  packs the same carbon monoxide punch as a pack-a-day cigarette habit, said Padma Shri & Dr. B.C. Roy...

Blood pressure measurement may detect proneness to heart attack

INVC,, Delhi,, The ankle-brachial index (ABI), a simple, non–invasive 10-minute test that should be incorporated into a routine physical exam for diagnosing peripheral arterial disease in...

Going for a marriage reception: gift a pack of condoms and a pack of...

INVC,, Delhi,, The season of marriages is on - What is the best healthy gift one can give to a couple getting married:  A box of...

Should a diabetic with tight sugar control drive?

INVC,, Delhi,, Worldwide, diabetics are required to produce proof of good blood sugar control to keep their driving license. A study by Dr. Donald A. Redelmeier,...

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