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Tag: ONGC Videsh

ONGC Videsh to acquire 11% additional interest in Vankor Field located in East Siberia...

INVC NEWS New Delhi,ONGC Videsh (and its wholly owned subsidiary ONGC Videsh Vankorneft Pte. Ltd., Singapore - OVVL)  jointly signed definitive agreements with Rosneft, the...

Dharmendra Pradhan to lead Indian Delegation to Mexico and Columbia

INVC NEWSNew Delhi, A delegation led by Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Petroleum & Natural Gas, is visiting Mexico and Columbia...

Indian PSUs have already invested in a gas block

INVC NEWS Mozambique , Minister of State (I/C) Petroleum & Natural Gas Shri Dharmendra Pradhan visited MozambiqueBesides meeting his counterpart the Minister of Mineral Resources &...

ONGC Videsh signs Letter of Intent with PetroVietnam

INVC, Delhi ONGC Videsh Limited (ONGC Videsh) and PetroVietnam, the major oil producing state owned company of Vietnam have signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) on...

ONGC Videsh raises USD 2.2 billion from International Markets.

INVC, Delhi ONGC Videsh Limited (ONGC Videsh), the wholly-owned subsidiary of ONGC announced that it has priced US$ 1.5Billion and Euro 525 million unsecured bonds in...

Memorandum of Understanding between ONGC Videsh and Turkish Petroleum Corporation

INVC, Delhi ,ONGC Videsh Limited (ONGC Videsh) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) on the sidelines of World Petroleum...

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