Tag: language
Virbhadra Singh lauds efforts of Nainsukh for keeping alive pahari paintings
Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh while expressing his views after screening of short film ‘Nainsukh’ and illustrative talk on the great pahari painter of...
भाषा समाज और मीडिया*
दिलीप कुमार **,,
लगभग 3,000 भाषाएँ मर रही हैँ. क्योंकि उन का समाज सिमट गया, बोलने वाले कम होते गए. उन का विकास रुद्ध हो गया....
PTU launched Translation and Interpretaion Course In India there is Shortage of 5 Lac...
Considering the growing demand for translation and language related services in India as well as abroad, Punjab Technical University today launched PG Diploma Course and B.Sc in Technical Translation and Interpretation. This...
सौम्य दक्षता विकास : मानव संसाधन विकास एक अभिन्न घटक
*डॉ. के परमेश्वरन,,
*(विशेष लेख व क्षेत्रीय उपकथा )गर्मियां आते ही भारत के छोटे शहरों में भी गर्मियों में चलने वाले विद्यालयों में भीड़-भाड़...
Soft Skills Development: An Integral Component of Human Resources Development
Dr. K. Parameswaran*,,Come summer and we see a rush of summer schools coming up even in the smaller towns in India. These schools offer short...