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Tag: Finland

Finland’s Response to Immigration Concerns: Closing Borders with Russia

INVC NEWS Helsinki : Finland, a country known for its serene landscapes and progressive policies, faces a new challenge. The influx of immigrants from the Middle...

Finland Joins NATO today: A Strategic and Political Blow to Putin

In the midst of the Russia-Ukraine war, a big news has come to the fore. Finland is going to officially join the North Atlantic...

India and Finland agree to carry mutual cooperation

INVC NEWS New Delhi , Finland Minister of Education and Culture, Petri Honkonen called on Union Minister of Science and Technology Dr Jitendra Singh at North...

The NorthCap University’s student represents India at Ultrahack, Finland

INVC NEWS Gurugram,It was the summer of 2007, when septuagenarian Harish Chandra Jain of Alwar (Rajasthan) decided to gift a computer to his grandson! Nobody...
Hillary Rodham Clinton

Secretary Clinton Signs the Arctic Search and Rescue Agreement with Other Arctic Nations

INVC NEWS Washington, DC, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton joined representatives of the other seven Member States of the Arctic Council (Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland,...

The Indian Air Force band Enthralls Audience at the india Gate

INVC,,Delhi,,The thirty member Indian Air Force Brass and Jazz Band played live for the general public at India Gate, New Delhi today. ...

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