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Piyush Goyal Reviews J & K Power Sector in Srinagar

INVC NEWS Srinagar , Piyush Goyal ,Union Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal and Renewable Energy took a review meeting of the power sector of J&K,...

आम बजट : आर्थिक सम्भावनाओं के मापन का एक औजार

- जी. श्रीनिवासन - पहली अप्रैल से शुरू वित्‍त वर्ष के लिए केन्‍द्र सरकार का आय और व्‍यय सम्‍बंधी व्‍यापक विवरण का मापन करते हुए...

Prime Minister termed the Budget as a Budget that converts hopes and aspirations of...

INVC, Delhi,The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi termed the Budget as a Budget that converts hopes and aspirations of the people into trust.The Prime Minister...

Skill development would be given priority so that more and more trained workers join...

INVC, Delhi,The Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley said that skill development would be given priority so that more and more trained workers join the...

The concerns of Agriculture Sector are high on the priority of the Government :...

INVC, Delhi, The Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley said though Agriculture and its allied Sector employs largest numbers of people in the country yet its...

Glorious chain of Marathon runs at Rock Garden

INVC, Chandigarh, This Sunday morning witnessed a glorious chain of Marathon runs at Rock Garden with enthusiastic response both by the participants as well as the spectators...

उन क्षेत्रों पर गौर करना चाहिए जो पारदर्शिता और संसदीय उत्तरदायित्व के पोषक :...

ज़ाकिर हुसैन आई.एन.वी.सी.,, दिल्ली,,वित्त मंत्री श्री प्रणब मुखर्जी ने कहा है कि किसी भी सरकार के लिए एक सुदृढ़, व्यापक तथा पारदर्शी लेखा व्यवस्था अत्यन्त आवश्यक...

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