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वह क़त्ल भी करते हैं तो चर्चा नहीं होता ?

 -तनवीर जाफरी -                               कांग्रेस नेता राहुल गांधी ने पिछले दिनों तिरुअनंतपुरम में...

Childhood obesity and its impact on thyroid in the later years

 Dr. Manjunath Malige Childhood obesity is a growing health concern these days and its prevalence is increasing all over the world. According to experts, children...

6 Women who are changing the landscape of entrepreneurship in 2021

INVC NEWS New Delhi, Since ages we have been hearing that men are the alphas of the human race, but Women on the other hand...

डॉक्टर कल्बे सादिक़ को पदम् भूषण से नवाज़े जाने के निहितार्थ ?

  -तनवीर जाफ़री-भारत सरकार द्वारा प्रत्येक वर्ष गणतंत्र दिवस के अवसर पर देश के सर्वोच्च समझे जाने वाले पद्म पुरस्कारों की घोषणा की जाती है।...

Boosting Immunity : An Eternal Armour to Protect from Infection

Vaccines are on the way with unproven efficacy; however, immunity-boosting is a time-tested mantra to escape the infection and stay healthy INVC NEWS New Delhi...

हर क़ौम कह रही है की हमारे हुसैन हैं

-  निर्मल रानी -  समूचा विश्व इन दिनों शहीद-ए-करबला हज़रत इमाम हुसैन की शहादत को याद कर रहा है। बावजूद इसके कि कोरोना महामारी ने...

A systematic approach towards reviving and protecting India’s coral reefs

Need to ensure conservation and safety of marine ecology at andaman’s   use of extensive sanitisers and plastic during covid lockdown to have long term effect...

Debunking myths of Lunar Eclipse and its effects on pregnancy

- Dr. Sunil Eshwar - What is a Lunar EclipseIt is a natural phenomenon when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow i.e Earth comes...

Want to be the best parent, positive punishment is the way 

- Dr.Nishal Pinto - Think of a moment on, how much a person can express themselves through their body language and facial expressions. Imagine, talking...

Natural bypass technique a better and non-invasive technique for CABG and Stenting

-  Dr Bimal Chhajer -    Attributing to increase in changing lifestyle, people often miss out on taking care of their health as a result of...

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