Tag: Editorial Articles
किसान आंदोलन : सम्मान नहीं तो समाधान कैसे ?
- तनवीर जाफ़री -
देश के दर्जनों राष्ट्रीय व...
Sero Surveys: What Why and How
- Dr Gursharan Singh Kainth - Sero prevalence is the number of persons in a population who test positive for a specific disease based on serology (blood serum)...
Unleashing the creativity for helping society during covid
INVC NEWS New Delhi, Just when it seemed like the world was cruising along at a leisurely pace, the pandemic came out of the...
Mythsand Reality associated with Thalassemia
- Dr. Suraj Chiraniya -
Thalassemia is one of the deadliest diseases. It is the most common inherited genetic blood disorderthat affects the body’s ability to...
PMRDA to Power Pune’s Real Estate Transformation
- Anil Pharande -
Recently, the Maharashtra state government appointed the Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority (PMRDA) as the special planning authority for the 23...
Post-Covid fatigue – Simple ways to deal with it
- Dr Hirenappa Udnur -
Once a person contractsCovid infection, he/she may exhibit common symptoms like fever, cough, body ache etc. But the health issues...
Children and Covid – An expert advice to safeguard them
- Dr.Sagar Sharma -Spread of corona virus infections among children has been a major concern. While there is some talk of the third wave...
Mobile advertising is changing the landscape of advertising sector
- Shaan Raza - In a world of hyper-exposure to advertisements, that the pandemic has had a ‘sobering effect’ on the advertising sector as a...
बारिश में डूबता नया भारत
- निर्मल रानी -
भीषण गर्मी से त्राहिमाम कर रहे पश्चिमी उत्तर भारत लोगों ने मानसून की आमद से निश्चित रूप से काफ़ी राहत महसूस...
Lockdown or pandemic fatigue– Ways to Cope
- Dr. S.N Aravinda -Lockdown fatigue is the term that experts call the exhaustion that people are facing after the varying degrees of...