Tag: Editorial Articles
Is it normal to have blood clots during menstruation?
- Dr.Ambuja Govindaraj -Menstruation is a natural process which women go through each month from the time they hit puberty till they get menopause. Each...
वर्तमान दौर में शरीया क़ानून की प्रासंगिकता?
-तनवीर जाफ़री- ...
Delayed Environmental Clearances Contribute to Delayed Projects
- Akash Pharande -A well-known real estate consultancy recently published a report on heavily delayed and fully stalled residential projects. It paints the kind...
Travel safely during Covid-19
- Dr. S.N Aravinda -As we are finally seeing some relief from the second wave in India, many people are revisiting their travel plans, whether...
सामुदायिक फूट सत्ता के लिये लाभप्रद हो सकती है राष्ट्रीय एकता के लिये नहीं
उत्तर प्रदेश में मुहर्रम संबंधी दिशा निर्देश
सामुदायिक फूट सत्ता के लिये लाभप्रद हो सकती है राष्ट्रीय एकता के लिये नहीं- निर्मल रानी -
अंग्रेज़ों की...
Professional Inefficiency of Using an Adopted Language in Communication
- Sajid Ahmed -
Most businesses in India use English as the mode of written communication. With India’s diversity of language, English made sense as...
सियासत की दुनिया और सत्ता लोभी चिकित्सक
- तनवीर जाफ़री -
दरभंगा (बिहार )के डॉक्टर (प्रो) एस एम नवाब भारतीय चिकित्सा जगत की एक ऐसी बेमिसाल शख़्सियत का नाम है जिसने अपना...
The Future Status of Learning Cannot be Status Quo in 2021
- Shweta Sastri -
While the second wave of Covid-19 is quickly receding, and a new school year for students around India has begun, we need...
Flu vaccine during COVID-19 pandemic: Why is it the right time for your child...
- Dr Srikanta J T -Over the period of last two years the novel coronavirus has drastically disrupted our lives. With the first and the...
Plotted Developments: Hassle-free investment tool in real estate
INVC NEWSNew Delhi,‘Price is what you pay, value is what you get’; this quote embodies all the facets of real estate. Indians have become...