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Tag: Dr. Aditya Gupta

Patient  got a new Life after suffering from Rarest Movement Disorder

INVC NEWSShimla,   Narendra Bisht suffering from a rare condition called Dystonic storm successfully operated at Artemis Hospital. The patient had been suffering from cervical dystonia...

Minimally invasive treatment can cure early spinal tumour  

INVC NEWS New Delhi,  Somya(32) name changed, homemaker, mother of two was focusing her energies more on her kids and home that she used to...

ध्वनिक न्यूरोमा के लिए साइबरनाइफ एक वरदान

आई एन वी सी न्यूज़ नई  दिल्ली ,ध्वनिक न्यूरोमा एक ऐसा ट्यूमर होता है जो धीरे-धीरे बढ़ता जाता है, लेकिन इसमें कैंसर की कोई संभावनाएं...

Cyberknife can help in the treatment of Acoustic Neuroma

- Dr. Aditya Gupta - WHAT IS ACOUSTIC NEUROMAAcoustic Neuroma which is also known as vestibular schwannoma, is a benign tumour which is non cancerous...

AVM can now be treated with zero risk through cyberknife radiosurgery

-  Dr Aditya Gupta -  AVM means a wrong connection between the arteries and veins and    leads to swelling of blood vessels and there...

Non-malignant tumors mostly misdiagnosed – better treatment available with cyberknife

 - Dr. Aditya Gupta -Rahul age 42 years had noticed pain in his right shoulder for over one year, but neglecting it thinking it...

Benign tumors mostly misdiagnosed – better treatment available with cyberknife

- Dr. Aditya Gupta   -Rahul age 42 years had noticed a bulge in his right shoulder for over one year, but neglecting it thinking...

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