Tag: Delhi
काहो को अस थूकिए ताको मुंह पर आए?
-तनवीर जाफ़री-
आमतौर पर किसी भी व्यक्ति के मुंह से निकलने वाले बोल, उसके शब्द तथा उसके विचारों को उस व्यक्ति के स्वभाव, ज्ञान तथा...
Center to allot Tur and Urad at at lowest price
New Delhi,
Government of India has decided to release 10,000 tonnes of unmilled Tur dal @ Rs.66 per kg and unmilled Urad dal @...
‘ मुसाफिर ‘ शब्द को केन्द्र में रखकर 105 मुक्तक – कवि श्यामल...
- श्यामल सुमन -
- मुक्तक -
जीवन है श्रृंगार मुसाफिर
जीवन पथ अंगार मुसाफिर,
खाते कितने खार मुसाफिर
जीवटता संग होश जोश तो,
बाँटो सबको प्यार मुसाफिर ...
वनों में आग की रोकथाम के लिए जन जागरूकता अभियान प्रमुखता से चलाये जाने...
आई एन वी सी न्यूज़
प्रदेश के वन मंत्री श्री दुर्गा प्रसाद यादव ने वनों में आग लगने के कारणों व अग्नि से होने वाली...
Fresh wave of goonda attacks
- Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam -Over the last few weeks there has been a growing sense of uncertainty among Muslims when they read about...
Vengefulness is not our way
- Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam -
Over the last few years an impression has gained ground that Islam is violent and vengeful. This impression has...
Stop the Vendetta
- Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam -
The last few weeks have been as disturbing as the preceding weeks. The slander campaign against Muslims accompanied by...
Lower House to take up Payment of Bonus and National Waterways Bills
New Delhi,
With only 3 sittings left next week for the current Winter session of Parliament and hardly any legislative business transacted in Rajya...
The nation expresses support for the gallant Armed Forces personnel of the country
New Delhi,
The Armed Forces Flag Day is being observed today throughout the country. On the occasion the Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar extended his...
Godfathers of Intolerance
- Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam -
There is a parliamentary ritual, a customary courtesy of the government represented by the parliamentary affairs minister made right...