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COVID-19 Cases Surge in Delhi-Uttarakhand: Nearly One in Four Infected

The corona virus is once again spreading rapidly in India, with Gujarat experiencing the highest number of infections from new variants, while Delhi and...
corona virus

India Braces for More COVID-19 Cases as Variants Spread Rapidly

Corona outbreak is still causing havoc across the world, and India is not an exception. As of the latest reports, the number of active...

Corona virus was leaked from Dragons lab itself – a big disclosure in a...

Corona virus was leaked from Dragon's lab itself - a big disclosure in a new US report There has been a big disclosure in a...

Corona is spreading rapidly in Japan

Japan has killed 456 people infected with Corona on Friday. This is a record of so many deaths in a single day. Thousands of...

2022 end Corona Return: Big boom in India – Many travelers from abroad turned...

Omicron's subvariant BF.7 which has once again put the whole world on alert mode. The Omicron sub-variant of Corona is wreaking havoc in China....

Situation uncontrollable due to Corona in China, more than 10 lakh cases found in...

Situation uncontrollable due to Corona in China, more than 10 lakh cases found in a single day in a single province The situation of corona...

Corona Return 2022 : Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya visits Safdarjung Hospital, reviews mock drill for...

INVC NEWS New Delhi , Dr Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare visited Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi today to review the mock drill...

Corona Return in India : Corona variant BF.7 reached India

Corona Return in India : Corona variant BF.7 reached India, know the symptoms of this new dangerous variant Know everything you want to know Corona:...

Corona returns: Outcry in China, more than 24 crore citizens infected

After getting three crore 70 lakh corona infected in one day, the Chinese government has banned the release of official figures. Now the daily...

Corona returns : चीन में मचा हाहाकार 24 करोड़ से ज्यादा नागरिक संक्रमित

Corona returns : चीन में मचा हाहाकार 24 करोड़ से ज्यादा नागरिक संक्रमित एक दिन में तीन करोड़ 70 लाख कोरोना संक्रमित मिलने के बाद...

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