Astrological Remedy on Sunday: Let the Star of Luck Shine


New Delhi  :  Every day of the week is dedicated to the worship of one or the other deity, whereas Sunday is considered auspicious for the worship of Lord Surya dev. On this day, devotees indulge in their devotion and observe fast to please the Lord .

Do this Astrological Remedy on Sunday: Let the Star of Luck Shine

In a world guided by celestial forces and the ebb and flow of cosmic energies, every day of the week carries its unique significance in the realm of spirituality and astrology. Among these, Sunday stands out as a day auspicious for the worship of Lord Surya dev, the radiant sun god. Devotees across the globe come together on this day to engage in their profound devotion and often observe fasts in a bid to seek blessings and favor from the divine. According to the profound wisdom of astrology, conducting specific remedies in conjunction with Sunday worship and fasting can alleviate the trials and tribulations of life while simultaneously illuminating the star of one’s fortune. Today, we delve into these sacred remedies to be practiced on Sundays.

The Illuminating Presence of Lakshmi Ganesh

To maintain an aura of happiness, prosperity, and opulence in your home, consider this sacred ritual:

  1. Clay Idol Installation: Commence by acquiring a clay idol of Lord Lakshmi Ganesh.
  2. Directional Placement: On a Sunday morning, install the clay idol on a wooden post, specifically in the north-eastern direction of your residence.
  3. Cleansing Ritual: To purify the idols, bathe them with the pure essence of milk.
  4. Purification Continues: Following the milk bath, rinse the idols meticulously with pristine water.
  5. Sartorial Transformation: Carefully remove the idols from their clay pot. Fashion attire for them, and install them within a sacred temple space in your home.
  6. Sprinkle of Blessings: Symbolizing the dispersion of divine blessings, sprinkle the water from the clay pot throughout your house.
  7. Ghee Lamp Ignition: Conclude the ritual by lighting a ghee lamp in front of Lakshmi Ganesh. Fold your hands in reverence, offering your sincere devotion.

This sacred practice is believed to usher in perennial happiness, peace, and prosperity within your family abode.

Paving Your Career Path with Lord Surya’s Blessings

For those aspiring for their dream job or aiming to advance in their careers, Sundays offer a unique opportunity. Follow this ritual for career growth and fulfillment:

  1. Red Floral Offering: Every Sunday, present fresh red flowers to Lord Surya. Submerge them in a container of water, signifying your reverence.
  2. Chanting Mantra: Recite the powerful mantra ‘Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sa: Suryay Namah’ a total of 11 times during this ritual.

Believers attest that by diligently practicing these sacred customs, one can manifest their desires for career advancement and attain the job they truly covet.


In the intricate tapestry of life, astrology offers us a glimpse into the harmonious interplay between celestial forces and human existence. On Sundays, when the benevolent rays of Lord Suryadev bless the earth, these astrological remedies serve as a beacon of hope and transformation. By integrating these practices into your life, you can invite happiness, prosperity, and success, all while basking in the radiant glow of your own shining star of fortune.


1. Can these remedies be practiced by anyone, regardless of their astrological beliefs?

Yes, these remedies are open to anyone seeking positivity and prosperity in their lives, irrespective of their astrological beliefs.

2. Is it essential to perform these rituals every Sunday?

While it’s ideal to practice these rituals on Sundays for maximum benefit, you can also perform them on other days of the week if Sunday is not convenient.

3. Are there any specific guidelines for setting up the temple for Lakshmi Ganesh?

Ensure that the temple is clean and well-maintained. Decorate it with flowers and incense for a more spiritual ambiance.

4. Can I chant the Surya mantra more than 11 times for enhanced results?

Chanting the mantra 11 times is traditional, but if you feel a stronger connection by chanting it more, you can do so.

5. Is there a particular time on Sunday when these rituals should be performed?

Perform these rituals during the morning hours of Sunday, ideally at sunrise, to harness the maximum energy of the day.


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