Six Patients Get Gift of Eyes on New Year

Mandeep Puri

Renowned Cornea Specialist Dr Ashok Sharma performed corneal grafting on six patients on the eve of the New Year and all the six got an eye sight, a gift of the New Year.

Dr Ashok Sharma, Director, Chandigarh Cornea Centre, said, “Ms Mamta (12) from Patiala Punjab, Ms Nisha (36)  from Bilaspur HP, Mr Krishan Gopal (42) from Kinnaur HP, Ms Bhikmi Devi (72) from Shimla HP, Mr Meet Singh (58) from Ludhiana, Mr Labh Singh (62) from Sangrur are the lucky patients to see the world with grafted eye with the first sunrise of the New Year.

Ms Mamta had keratoconus, Ms Nisha was suffering from Pseudophakic corneal edema, Mr Krishan Gopal had Herpes Simplex infection, Ms Bhikhmi Devi had Pseudophakic corneal edema, Mr Meet singh had corneal scar due to fungal infection and Mr Labh Singh was suffering from Bacterial infection in the eyes.”

In the year 2009, Dr Ashok Sharma has given the gift of Eye Sight to a total of 108 patients. Many of them are young girls and few infants less than one year of age. “I have taken a pledge to eliminate corneal blindness among the fair sex, as the women and young girls suffer more in this male dominated society,” added Dr Sharma.


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