Seminar on Corruption-Free India




Inaugurating a seminar on ‘Making India Corruption-Free’, Mr. Joginder Singh, Former Director, Central Bureau of Investigation said that clapping cannot be done with one hand. To remove the corruption from the society, it is equally the duty of the citizens not to accept and indulge in bribe or any form of corruption. He said that giving bribe is as much an offence as accepting bribe.

Mr. Vijay Dutt, Former Editor Hindustan Times UK Edition, while delivering a key note address, said that truth always prevails and honesty always wins. One may gain temporary benefits in the short run with illegal or corrupt means but in the longer run, that person would always be a loser.

Mr. Kunnikrishna, noted Vedic Scholar, said that one should not accept corruption as a part and parcel of the society. It is unfortunate that only corruption news make headlines. There are a large number of honest people in the society and unfortunately, their honest work does not make headlines.

Acharya Dr. Sadhvi Sadhna Ji Maharaj, a Jain scholar, said that truthfulness should be taught in childhood during school and anti-corruption measures should be inculcated in the school curriculum.

Padma Shri & Dr. B.C. Roy National Awardee, Dr. KK Aggarwal, President Heart Care Foundation of India, said that medical profession is a noble profession. It is only a handful of doctors who indulge in corruption practices, who bring a bad name to the entire noble medical profession. Doctors and patients should communicate better amongst themselves so as to avoid future inconvenience. Dr. Aggarwal quoting Chanakya Neeti further said that money earned the corrupt way does not last with a person for more than 9 years. He said that purpose of our life should be to follow the Vedic path of Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha which means earning righteously to fulfill the desires of inner happiness.Others who spoke in the conference were Sh. Buta Singh Ji Former Union Home Minister Govt. of India; Swami Sushil Goswami Ji and Sh. H T Sangliana Vice Chairman National Commission for Minority.The seminar was organised to observe the 17th Death Anniversary of Acharya Sushil Kumarji Maharaj as a part of 16th Environment Protection and Ethnic Consciousness Conference. Over 400 members of public attended the seminar.Concluding the seminar Achrya Dr. Sadhvi Sadhna Ji Maharaj said that we should all take an oath to start this anti-corruption program for school children at an early age so that they learn to grow up as responsible citizens.


  1. CorruptBook ( is started to create a public information about all public officials in government, understand their role & responsibility and create their public corruption profile ( if any ). We encourage every Indian to participate in this effort and make contribution to identify these individuals and stop corruption at any level.


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