Science pursued in ivory towers may not by itself serve humanity : Vice President

New Delhi ,

The Vice President, Shri M.Naidu today emphasized the need to use science and technology for the common good of the people and to solve their pressing problems. He also said that ‘science should serve the cause of society and not of a few elite’, and wanted people’s aspirations and goals to set the agenda for science and technology development.

Addressing the gathering after releasing a publication titled, “Dr. Y. Nayudamma: Essays, Speeches, Notes & Others” at Swarna Bharat Trust, Atkur, near Vijayawada today, Shri Naidu said that science and technology should not turn the people into its slaves. The book, released as part of the Birth Centenary of renowned scientist, Dr. Yalavarthi Nayudamma, has been compiled and edited by the former Commissioner of Income Tax, Dr. Chandrahas and Dr. K. Seshagiri Rao.

Praising the vision of Dr. Nayudamma about the future of science and technology, the Vice President said that he wanted the application of science and technology for the common good, propelled by societal values. “He had outlined a clear set of goals and objectives and the values that should guide their applications as tools of betterment of lives of the people and as catalysts of change for socio-economic development,” he added.

Highlighting the relevance of Dr. Y. Nayudamma’s philosophy, Shri Naidu advised all concerned to read the book to develop a proper understanding of various issues and concerns about the pursuit and application of the tools of science and technology. He also suggested to make the publication a part of the curriculum for students of higher classes to enable budding scientists to acquire a correct understanding and orientation at an early stage of their learning.

Referring to the rapid strides in the fields of science and technology, particularly, during the last two centuries, the Vice President said that the human being has now to be called as the ‘technological animal’. He further observed that the relentless quest for a better living has thrown up some serious issues and concerns about the purpose, relevance, values and consequences of the blind folded pursuit and application of science and technology. He expressed serious concern over the rapid resource depletion, ecological imbalance and inequities as a result of the developmental strategies being followed globally, and called for alternative development models for sustainable and harmonious development.

Describing Dr. Nayudamma as an agent of social change who demonstrated how scientists and technologists could be effective agents of such change, the Vice President said that science pursued in ivory towers may not by itself serve humanity.

Recalling Dr. Nayudamma’s pioneering contribution to change the face and nature of the tannery industry in the country, Shri Naidu said that this profession, pursued by some traditional communities used to be looked down upon by others because of the stench and nature of work.

Dr. Nayudamma made a deep analysis of such issues and was able to make this profession widely acceptable by enabling the removal of stench and improving the skills of those involved in it. Noting that his work helped in enhancing the economic viability of the tannery industry, the Vice President emphasized that ‘the science and technology should enable more gainful employment’.

Terming knowledge as the best resource of every individual, Shri Naidu called for the need to empower all with it. “We need to provide such kind of knowledge that enables the resolution of the problems of our nation collectively,” he said.

Opining that an individual flourishes to his or her best only with a sense of community participation  and in an environment of collective endeavour, the Vice President said that such an eco-system is best provided when we are guided by the spirit of nationalism. “Nationalism, accordingly, is a positive force for rapid progress of our nation by realizing the full potential of every individual. It is not a negative factor as is being sought to be propagated by some,” he further said.

Referring to Dr. Nayudamma’s emphasis on self-reliance, Shri Naidu said that he did not support looking to the west for importing technology and solutions as western remedies may not solve India’s problems, which are different and context specific. This is the essence of the Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative, he added.

Praising many achievements of Dr. Nayudamma, Shri Naidu said that he became the Director General of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research at a young age of 49 years in 1971 and was honoured with Padma Shri in the same year. “It is rare to find such far- sighted and visionary scientists like Dr. Y. Nayudamma. Had he lived longer, our country would have benefitted much more,” he added.

Recalling Dr. Nayudamma’s pioneering works, the Vice President termed him as an important link in the chain of great scientific heritage of our country. Calling for making concerted efforts to make India ‘Vishawaguru’ again, he wanted  everyone to participate in this effort by streamlining our systems of education, modes of science and research.

He complimented the authors and publisher of the book and Nayudamma Foundation for Education and Rural Development for their efforts towards perpetuating the vision and philosophy of Dr. Y. Nayudamma.

During this occasion, Shri Naidu also interacted with the trainees of Swarna Bharat Trust and encouraged them to work hard to succeed in life.

The Governor of Mizoram, Shri K Haribabu, Vijayawada MP, Shri Kesineni Shrinivas (Nani), Chairman of Swarna Bharat Trust, Shri Kamineni Shrinivas, NFERD Chairman, Dr DK Mohan, NFERD Secretary, Shri Gopalakrishna, editor of the book, Dr Chandrahas, trainees and staff of Swarna Bharat Trust and others attended the event.


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