Congress has a long list of scams of Shivraj government


Long list of scams of Congress’s Shivraj government

Leader of Opposition in MP Vidhan Sabha Dr. Govind Singh, former minister and MLA Sajjan Singh Verma and Jitu Patwari, while discussing with the reporters in the assembly premises, told that recently, there was widespread in the nutrition scam scam in the Women and Child Development Department of the state government. Corruption on a large scale has been exposed. Congress leaders said that about five thousand crore rupees nutritional food scam has come to the fore.

This scam happened during the period March 2020 to July 2020, when the entire state was under complete lockdown. During this, 2 billion 8 crore 39 lakh 68 thousand rupees have been spent on nutritional food by the Women and Child Development Department, during the same period, 89 crore 44 lakh 77 thousand were spent on distribution of take home ration, in which nutritional food was used. In Bhind district, an amount of 5 crore 70 lakh and more than 1 crore 85 lakh on take home ration was spent on distribution of Sattu and Laddu in the name of Bhind. This information has been given by the then Minister of Women and Child Development Department on 23 September 22 in response to the question of Sajjan Singh Verma in question number 738 of the Vidhan Sabha.

Shri Patwari said that the question arises that now when the movement of transport was stopped during the lockdown period, then in such a situation to whom this nutritional food and take home ration was distributed, it is a matter of investigation. It has also been mentioned in the AG report that fraud has been done in distribution of nutrition food and take home ration. In this way about five thousand crore rupees. The scam has been exposed, whose head is Shivraj Singh Chauhan himself.

Mr. Patwari said that big discrepancies have come to the fore in distribution of nutritious food. The audit report of the Accounts General has revealed that Rs.110.83 crores. The nutrition of food has been divided only on paper, the trucks which were told to transport the nutritious food, they have turned out to be motorcycles and scooters, for which the companies have to pay Rs 7 crore. The officers of the Women and Child Development Department also gave it. About 87 thousand metric tonnes of nutritional food has been told to be distributed, out of which 10 thousand tonnes were missing, which cost about Rs 62 crore. For which no officer was even questioned in this regard.

Shri Patwari said that beneficiaries were made without survey, the department distributed ration without doing a baseline survey of the number of girl students who did not go to school. At the same time, fake production of 58 crores has been told. Disturbances in six firms, supply of paper in which disturbances were found in Dhar, Mandla, Rewa, Sagar and Shivpuri.

Shri Patwari said that the quality check of samples to assess the nutritional value of take home ration has also been neglected. Beneficiaries have got poor quality take home ration. He said that there have been cases of fraud on a large scale in this scam, CDPOs, DPOs, Plant Officers and transport arranging officers were directly and indirectly involved in the fraud.

Mr. Patwari said that dumper scam, Vyapam scandal, sand scam in Hoshangabad, house construction committee scam, e-tender scam, Simhastha scam, Narmada parikrama scam, plantation scam, onion scam, Bundelkhand package scam, horticulture scam, substandard rice supply scam , Khasgi Holkar Trust scam, Electricity purchase scam, Transfer-posting scam, Flour theft scam, Trikoot powder scam, Liquor MRP scam, Government procurement scam, Fake electricity bill scam, PPE kit scam, Midday Bhopal scam, Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi scam Shivraj government has a long list of 18 years long list of many scams like Saubhagya Scheme scam, farmers subsidy grab scam, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Vikas Yojana scam, Bio-fertilizer scam and migrant labor food scam.

Shri Patwari said that there is an old saga of corruption by Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan by blatant speeches and calling himself the son of a poor farmer, the files of corruption have been exposed in all the departments. The giant dairy built on the warehouse of Vidisha, the property of relatives in in-laws Gondia, the property of relatives in Bhopal have been recorded in history. Shivraj ji is the culmination of lies and hypocrisy. PLC/GT


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