Review of Indira Awas Yojana for 2011-12 The Ministry of Rural Development has convened a meeting of the State coordinating officers looking after the implementation of Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) for the year 2011-12 at Unnati Conference Hall, Krishi Bhawan on Thursday, the 28th July 2011. High on the agenda would be the issues related to overall physical and financial performance under the rural housing scheme in the current financial year with the emphasis on achievement of physical targets. The meeting will take stock of the monitoring of Special Packages Coverage of SC/ST, Minorities and physically handicapped. Among the financial issues, fulfillment of conditions while releasing 2nd Installment of IAY funds in 2010-11 and release of first Installment for 2011-12 would be discussed.
Under Indira Awas Yojana 1.33 crore houses have been constructed from 2005-06 till 2010-11. In 2010-11 alone, 27.15 lakh houses were constructed under the scheme. The target for the current financial year is construction of 27.26 lakh dwelling units. The budgetary provisions for the scheme stand at Rs. 10,000 crores.
IAY is one of the major flagship programs of the Rural Development Ministry to construct houses for BPL population in the villages. Under the scheme, financial assistance worth Rs. 45,000/- in plain areas and Rs. 48,500/- in difficult areas is provided for construction of houses. In addition, RBI has advised all banks to include IAY houses under DRI scheme for lending up to Rs. 20,000/- per unit at a differential interest rate of 4 per cent. The houses are allotted in the name of the woman or jointly between husband and wife. The construction of the houses is the sole responsibility of the beneficiary and engagement of contractors is strictly prohibited. Sanitary latrine and smokeless chullah are required to be constructed along with each IAY house for which additional financial assistance is provided from Total Sanitation Campaign and Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana respectively.
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