Pregnant women who decide to get vaccinated should be helped


A spokesperson of the state health department said here today that as per the recommendations of National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI), Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has approved vaccination of pregnant women against Covid-19 with the condition that they should be informed about the risks of exposure to Covid-19 infection along with its benefits. At present, three vaccines viz Covaxin, Covishield and Sputnik V, have received approval for restricted use in emergency situation in the country.

He said that in order to help pregnant women to take decision to get vaccinated, the health department has directed the district administration to train and orient the programme staff, front line workers and private medical professionals.

The spokesperson said that the pregnant women should be counselled for Covid vaccination during household visits by frontline workers, antenatal check-up at health facility, outreach immunization sessions, Village Health and Nutrition Days (VHNDs) and Urban Health and Nutrition Days (UHNDs), facility visits by pregnant women for other reasons and any other site where there is interaction with the pregnant woman.

He further said that the pregnant women who decide to get vaccinated should be helped in the process of registration by the staff of health department. In case of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) in a pregnant woman, AEFI committee should be notified in the districts. The committee should have obstetrician and gynecologist, pediatrician or neonatologist, members of local FOGSI chapter and IAP, all the medical officers, private practitioners and frontline health workers properly trained on their role in AEFI surveillance related to Covid-19 vaccination of pregnant women.


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